
This from a guy who mocks any hippie and liberal elitist view on here.

Liberal elitist are, as a general rule, hippies or ex-hippies.


All you ever do is tear into people for what they believe, you fuckin hypocrite.

We’re talking religion not politics kid, and thanks again for showing that the liberal mentality is unable to distinguish between the two.


People can believe whatever the fuck they want, shithead.

Unless they’re Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, or Hippie, right, then there just stupid?


But don't try and tell me you'd want your elected official making decisions based on palm-reading and crystals.

I don’t base my decision about politicians on their super natural beliefs. I don’t think many conservatives do either, otherwise Nancy would have scudded that second Regan term.


I don't have any religious belief, really. It isn't a set of beliefs. Really.

I didn’t say you had religious beliefs, I said Atheist treat Atheism like a religion. They scorn their detractors and hold up their views as the only correct ones in life.


Did the bible school thing and church as a kid and it just kind of faded away as i got older.

Sounds more like Agnosticism than Atheism to me.



No they don’t blow people up it’s called a metaphor. In this instance I use it to describe the level of many of the Atheists anti-religious zeal.


Like I said, I think religion is pretty much baloney. Nice try though, Hannity.

Again, you seem to know much more about American Conservative radio than I do. I don’t listen to any of them. All my information comes from online. My iGoogle homepage has 20 different rss news feeds from around the world. I like to read the same story from different perspectives because it can help identify what is spin and what is not. Maybe you should try it, and then maybe you could move on from moveon.


Feel free to tear me apart about my political views all you want; I would expect no less.

Again you show no sign that you are able to distinguish between religion and politics.