
plenty of christians believe in global warming

As I said eagle eyes, you find them in every Christian denomination.


and there are plenty of atheists who do not.

Most of the WWAGD crowd are atheist urban elitists, but not all.


An odd statement coming from a guy who just posted about the variety of christians.

How exactly does me saying that Christians are diverse not jive with me saying there are a lot of Christians that also follows Al’s church as well? Put down the pipe son.


Lots of evangelicals are getting behind fighting global warming.

As I said before, thanks for playing.


Enough with ths Michael Savage bullshit.

For a Canadian you sure know a lot about American talk radio. I myself have never listened to his show and can not, at this time make any statements one way or another concerning his veracity. Although I thought putting him on that list of UK undesirables was a big fucking joke.


Your posts are getting more Coke-like every day.

Coke who?



You know most of those who signed it were from universities don’t you? You can’t get grant money unless you tow the climate change line.


Here is an atheist and libertarian whose vids I enjoy:

Here is a Canadian I enjoy reading. Yeah I can’t believe I just said that either.

Right Here


And please knock it off with the atheist "set of beliefs". I don't have any belief in some god guy, any more than not believing in astrology or alchemy or homeopathy is 'a set of beliefs'. I like the sports teams analogy, as simplistic as it is. I don't follow the sport....

Au contraire. Your belief system is Atheism itself. Like religions Atheists don’t have all the answers either, yet they’re quick to heap scorn and ridicule on any belief that is not simpatico with their own as quickly and extremely as hard core Jihadists do.


Some dumb bitch hippie selling crystals and reading palms doesn't have the same political clout and money as a nut like John Hagee......

So what your saying is that people who don’t cotton to your belief system are nuts, whether they be Hippies, Buddhists, Hindus, or Christians? Oh yeah you Atheists sure are a tolerant open minded lot.