

I am a christian in the sense that I am the product of a couple of thousand years or so of christian moralities and laws, as are we all.

What I have trouble understanding is this making of a political issue, like say global warming, and turning it into a religion. Atheists treat their belief system like a religion as well.

Well, if a christian was really following their beliefs, they would discount global warming as a distraction, probably even a tool of satan. Seeing as christians believe in the end of the world being in prophecy the idea that human kind could affect something as profound as the climate as blasphemy.

"Political" christians who get all the attention would tell you that. But those who actually attempt to seek out Christ would not. The political Christians have in essense stolen Christianity from true teachings. The Protestant Bible-Bangers who show up all over TV are for the most part bending and distorting Christianity into a human view and direction. They are as corrupt as the Catholics, or the political ends they serve. Christ was not political.