I finally got around to watching 3 of those Church Of Dave videos. Guy is fucking hilarious. He's got all the charisma that displays why that Tom Payne guy linked to in the Odumba thread is a bore.
The vid Fiend linked to, at 1st I was just thinking, this guy is whacky and kind of interesting, but he's not telling me anything I don't know. Then I noticed he was ripping on the type of people who tell you you can't do weird stuff more than I've ever heard before, examined their psychology more than I've thought about. And, I got drawn into it.
When I started out in corporate jobs, I was in an office with a bunch of guys in their early 20's. We were starting to study the stock market, one of the guys bought a rental property. But, there was one guy in his mid-40's who was always telling us that shit would never work. After he worked there longer, we figured out he was mid-40's and had no retirement savings, didn't own any properties, nothing. Just like Dave says.
The insane bitch, I don't even think she was talking English. Amongst "islamist dictator" and "shutting me up" I heard nyet in there a few times. It was good cinematography how they had the camera on her stationary while she was going up the escalator. If somebody thought about that, they could probably get that type of shot to symbolize something.
Haven't checked the rest yet.