
Didnt read it all, she lost.....Im bored tonite, cant ya tell, I think this is the most Ive ever posted since Ive been here. My plans got canceled because Im on call for a German Short Haired Pointer's birth anytime now. This whore better hurry up and not wait till it's 2, 3 or 4 in the morning.

You're boring every night.

Did anyone ask what your plans were last night? Ah no. No one gives a rat's ass if you are a surrogate for K9's. Get over yourself, you vapid uppity cunt stain.


Its beautiful, especially the part when they eat the whole sack, umbilical cord and blood...fascinating. Humans flush theirs in the toilet. Humans need to take notes from dogs.

You probably are like dogs in that they lick their own asshole after they shit.
I like me some Gia'd Jerkins.