Abstract: Dumb cunt should pack it in and stick to being a lifeless cum receptacle.


Stormy Daniels has every right to seek a U.S. Senate seat. So do you and so do we and so does the next guy or lady on the barstool, in the church pew or on the city bus.

Ostensibly, Daniels, 30, a Baton Rouge native, is answering the clarion call of concerned citizens to consider a run for the position held by incumbent David Vitter, R-Metairie.

That's why she says she has elevated her stated efforts from embarking on "a listening tour" of Louisiana to announcing she is now "exploring a possible run for the United States Senate." Some movement forward, that.

But puh-leeze spare us a Senate run. Summer makes for slow news cycles and the sight of Daniels chatting up a bar crowd and dissin' David Vitter will become very old, very fast.

Daniels, a former stripper who worked her way up in the porn business from actress to star and writer-producer, is no fool. She has a few professed issues — fighting child porn and prohibiting underage folks from accessing pornography — where she might point to more than a passing knowledge. No stranger to the camera, she articulates her positions on these and other issues well.

She has a few achievements, too, that might make her stand alone in the Capitol's upper chamber, including the adult film industry's designation for "Favorite Breasts" three times in the past four years. (2008, it seems, was a down year.) That might complicate her arguments for the "flat tax," which she said she favors while on a visit to a Delhi bar last week.

But bottom line, Daniels' campaign seems to be more about embarrassing Vitter than it does about improving Louisiana's economy, which Daniels proposes to undertake from a Senate chair. We doubt her ability to achieve the latter task and Vitter seems to have handled very well the former by embarrassing himself long before we ever heard of Daniels.

Daniels says she is outraged by Vitter's hypocrisy in embracing family values while calling prostitutes. Others may be equally as outraged at Vitter's transgressions related to a Washington-area escort service, and by his behavior after those transgressions were disclosed.

But voters will have ample time to weigh their senator's professed "serious sins" against his accumulated public record when the campaign heats up later this year. Daniels, who insists she will be a serious Senate candidate if she runs, will only prove herself a serious distraction by then.

That's why the "Draft Stormy" movement ought to end now, while there's still a few folks smiling.

It's drafty enough where she works at her day job.
