
this is a non issue. first of all who else has gone on national radio shows throwing "XPT" out into the ether? sure its brought zero new traffic since joe mouth breather doesn't know what "XPT' means, but if red's efforts aren't the definition of team player, i dunno what is. even malice sitting around in his white silk robe and bunny slippers, stroking his trembling kick mutt, wouldn't be bothered to do that.

second, modship is a curse - once you get it, the only way to go is down -- you really think booster seat Iron is happy all curled up in the fetal night after night, paying the whores extra to keep their thumb in his mouth until he nods off? you think the monkey enjoys sitting through the drone of useless club meetings on the super secret mods-only forum discussing the next PSK theme night? fuuuuuck. i wouldn't wish mods on anyone- better off getting a heelkick to the face. best just to languish in relative obscurity.

on that note, congrats to redgoat - real american hero.

Team players don't forget to take their meds and try to destroy a forum with their 1,000th meltdown and try to run off every female that enters the forum.

Check Google for xpt. First four pages has nothing that leads here. Now if the Stern listeners are smart enough to think this has something to do with porn and search for xpt porn, then yes it leads here. But many will not do that. So his saying xpt instead of xxxporntalk is meaningless and not worth being a moderator.

At least Brandon got a post announcing his return. And we all know by now SM isn't the original.