Things are getting desperate.
I am a discriminating Burglar, but I steadfastly strive to find that point with each and every whore where we both are equally satisfied with the $$ so that the rest of the experience is as good as possible. Typically you hear what the girl wants first, then you evaluate that versus what you want to spend, what you want to do (with her), and what she actually looks like in your eyes. I never ever overpay but I NEVER EVER EVER EVER insultingly underpay or pressure the girl to accept something ridiculously low simply because I KNOW, ultimately, she probably will accept it cuz she is at heart, a lazy desperate (possibly drug addled) whore. I am loved because I am fair and consistent, and ridiculously EASY to be with as a client.
That being said, lately prices have been plummetting....and for all my idealism and attempts to be consistent and rise above the crowd by being a fucking awesome client/john, I am now getting calls from established HIGH QUALITY whores I have seen (and enjoyed) in the past who are putting pressure on me to "hire" them for a night, and they are offering sickeningly low rates.
They claim, and say such bullshit as, "I really enjoyed being with you, you are super nice, cool, cute, funny, lovable, etc etc blah blah blah, so I am willing to see you for $XXX.xx .... how about it sweetie??" Now in this case, XXX.xx is about HALF what she used to want for a half a night (4 hours) or a full night (8 hours plus a Burglar Omelette Breakfast, cum not included in the omelette.) Where I used to pay several of my best, favorite whores about 2000-2200 TOTAL (rate + tips) for a full night of debauchery, they are asking me to pay an even grand now! Sad, especially cuz they KNOW I neither want, need nor would ASK for such a radical discount...not unless she had put on 80 pounds and/or insisted on bringing her kid and locking him in one of my guestrooms to sleep while she gobbles my cum.
I've never seen prices THIS LOW across the board, VERY gorgeous, lovely girls in the strip clubs willing to come home with me and allow me to empty my nutz several times into her mouth for as little as 500 bucks! They fucking love me when I INSIST they take 800....and the sad thing is, like most high end retailers and service industry providers KNOW who are faced with the urge to cut prices, once you DO slash prices, that's almost NEVER get them back up once customers are used to paying the lower rates.
There still are the EXTREMELY Elite escorts who cater to the absoulte wealthiest of the wealthy and charge 5-10K minimum per night. But even they are faced with dilemmas because their clients are notoriously inconsistent as well as neglectful of paying promptly or on time or even at all.
It is true....the rich, with a sense of entitlement, power and overall PRICK-ishness, often stiff or gyp or refuse to pay because, quite simply, "They can" or they feel they shouldnt have to pay.
Fortunatley, I have remained grounded my entire life (crippledness will do that) and I love and empathize with all my whorefriends. The last thing I would ever do is gyp a woman who has lovingly, romanticly gobbled my splooge (with extended cumplay prior to swallow.) How could any guy do that to a girl who eats his rancid nut juice?
I wish more whores (especially porn) would ADMIT that swallowing, while widespread and common and expected, STILL is not a enjoyable, exciting (for the girl) practice.
I'd be willing to bet, deep deep down, even our own professional cum gobbler Miss Gia Jordance doesnt LOVE it quite as much as we all want to believe; I think she likes it, but not LOVEs it...she only LOVES it in my sick warped fucked head.

ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhh