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#433211 - 07/01/09 08:10 PM The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
CxGxPx Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral
Inspired by the other thread:

New Jack and Sandman went at it when Sandman told a joke that contained the "n" word. Jack laughed the first time but Sandman kept saying it and a fight broke out. They both took some pretty good shots from each other.

Vampiro had eight drug overdoses.

DDP initially shot down an angle working with Vampiro, not remembering that DDP had once begged Vampiro for work in Mexico to be his manager. Vampiro politely reminded him.

Glen Gilbertti would jack off before he would go out for matches because he thought it gave him a glow for the TV camera.

Dusty Rhodes has a small penis, and his nickname for it is "Jumbo."

Rob Black once offered New Jack $15,000 to kill Messiah when he first left XPW.

Randy Savage used to keep Elizabeth locked up in a seperate dressing room during WWF shows so no one would look at her.

Apparently the fued between Steve Corino and Homicide isn't just in the ring but outside the ring also. The fued has something to do with Homicide getting paid in Japan.....but that's not the best part......Corino hates Homicide the most because Homicide banged Corino's real life sister, Allision Danger.

In 1996 Ron & Don Harris held up Shawn Michaels in the locker room and threatened to beat him senseless, because he was hitting on one of their wives. It was only because of Kevin Nash, and Sid that they didnt.

Moolah used to feel up the younger girls in the WWE locker room and during some matches, grab them between the legs.

Man Mountain Rock was not the most popular person after people realized that he taped a lot of their most intimate backstage moments. Before he was fired, several of the wrestlers, including a certain "trucker" and a certain Portuguese Man Of War took a cumulative shit in a plastic bag and left it in his gym bag.

The character of TL Hopper was created because of Pat Patterson's secret plunger fetish.

At WrestleMania 13, supposably Psycho Sid shit his pants in the match with the Undertaker and Undertaker said it was some horrible smell in the ring.

Supposedly, DDP gave Paul Wight Kimberly for the night as his going away present from WCW.

During Hacksaw's first days in the WWE (around WrestleMania 3) there was this female groupie that he saw at the first 3 WWE dates he worked, that he thought was attractive...and on his 4th night there, there's the girl, with a bunch of the boys jerking off ready to unload on her face (I can't recall the names of them other than Butch Reed).

Shawn Micheals got Marty Jannetty a hooker for his birthday, had her show up at the tv studio on the day of the interview tapings and proceeded to give him a blowjob while the cameras were left running. Verne Gagne's daughter showed up at the studio that day while the production crew was watching the replay of the action.

Larry Zybsko first wife had nude photos of herself taken and would leave them on the cars of the boys with her phone # and address.

When Dutch Mantel was doing the Uncle Zebekiah gimmick, at the motel one night he and Eli Blu got really fucked up on No-Doz and wood alcohol and they shaved off a bunch of Dutch's back hair, glued it to his crotch, and Eli "ate him out."

Kimona (real name Kristina Laum) used to work at a strip club called Delilah's in Philly.

When the ring broke at Hardcore Heaven 1996 Kimona was asked to do a striptease by Paul E while the ring was fixed. Only problem was that Heyman promised her that it wouldn't be taped, but it was of course, and was later put on an ECW commercial video.

In the last months of wCw Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson were doing an autograph session on one of their days off and in the 2 hours they stood there only 7 people showed up.

Paul Roma supposedly did sexual favors for Pat Patterson, which resulted in the Young Stallions getting a push.

During his stay in FMW, Louie Spiccoli really needed to take a leak, but the bus driver didn't understand English, so he wouldn't pull over. So Sabu tells him to just pee in a bottle and throw it out the window. So Onita finds out about it, and Spiccoli gets fired for it. Sabu feels guilty about it to this very day.

The Harris twins were on their way out of the WWF, and decided to shake a little fear into HBK in the locker room before they left. If they really wanted to scare Shawn, they should’ve threatened him with tapes of their matches in WCW in ’99.

During the Ultimate Warrior/Rick Rude program, Rude came back after the match and asked Warrior to "lighten up" a bit. Warrior got right in Rude's face and said, "I don't have to, because I'm the Warrior." Rude knocked him silly with one punch and walked away.

TNA pitched to Macho Man the idea of a worked shoot angle/feud with Lex on the basis that he killed Elizabeth.

Jimmy Snuka one time after a ECW show knocked out a fan because the fan wanted to take a picture with him. When the fan got up he started yelling "Snuka punched me. Did you see that?" Then thanked him for it.

Jerry Lawler also has a well documented foot / shoe fetish.You'll never watch the "Kiss My Foot" match he had with Bret Hart the same way twice, now will ya?

Marty Jannetty was fired because he was caught in bed with Linda McMahon.

It was before a live taping of monday night raw and big Vis hadn't been seen all night. Well Vince Mcmahon is in his office doing paperwork when Shawn Michaels busts in, which was odd because at this time Michaels wasn't even on the active roster. He was still playing up his neck injury angle at this time. So anyway Michaels busts in and tells Vince he just
saw Viscera on the hood of a limo snorting the longest line of cocaine he'd ever seen in his life. This had to be a big freakin line of cocaine cause you have to assume Michaels had seen some big ones in his life. Vince is outraged instantly, but before he can say anything Vis walks in Coked up out of his mind. Michaels then proceeds to just say "ain't that right
vis?" Viscera in his cocaine voice replies "yeah... thats right shawn." Vince stands to his feet and tells Vis he's fired on the spot. So it was right back to the 3rd ring of hell, memphis wrestling, for Vis. Fans never even got a fairwell match.

On Kevin Nash's first wCw Monday Nitro where he is brought out by Scott Hall, he was full asleep in the locker room and several of the boys jerked off onto the top of his head just minutes before he had to go out the the announce booth as thier way to welcome him to the company. And thats why he was wearing the baseball cap.

Dawn Marie was probably the most promiscuous whore/slut in the indies. Some say that Simon Diamond used to rent her out to other guys for things in return (money, beer and/or pushes).

Jeff Jarrett wanted Chyna to do him with a strap on dildo when his WWE contract had ended the night of a PPV, so when she wouldn't he asked for a bunch of money instead, this was also supposedly a reason why Chyna never showed up in TNA cuz Jeff again asked her to do it and she said no.

The real reason Raven got fired back when he was Johnny Polo and got a shitty deal durning his Raven run with the WWE was because Vince blames him for corrupting both Shane and Steph when they were teens Shane more so than Steph. Scotty(Raven) would take Shane out all night partying and load him up on coke and angeldust. He also once gave Steph weed when she was 14.

# A few months after David Von Erich passed away in early 1984, referee David Manning, who worked in the World Class office, was autographing David Von Erich 8x10 pictures with David's name on them and they were still selling them throughout the year - all of this at the command of promoter Fritz Von Erich, father of the late David VE.
# Rita Chatterton who was the WWF's first female referee alleged that she was raped by Vince McMahon in the back seat of his limousine. Chauffeur Jim Stuart corroborated Chatterton's account and filed a lawsuit of his own, alleging that, during his WWF employment, he had been forced into witnessing the commission of crimes. The cases were either dismissed for lack of evidence or settled out of court.
# There's also a great story Missy Hyatt tells about the time she was dating Jake Roberts back in the day. Apparently, Jake had this weird thing where he liked to go to bars with Missy, but have her go in and sit at the bar by herself until some guy started hitting on her. Then, Jake would be watching from outside and come in and stare down the guy talking to Missy until the guy got up and walked away.
# Sid Vicious used to take a squirrel with him everywhere he went for some stupid reason and one day a couple of the wrestlers bet him he couldn't keep the squirrel down his pants for a minute. Sid accepted and after about 30 seconds the squirrel bit him in the dick and Sid dropped on the floor in pain crushing the squirrel in the process. He had to get rabies shots and stiches on his dick.
# The AWA wrestlers in the 70s usually had three nights off in a row. One time Dusty Rhodes and Dick Murdoch got drunk, drove all the way from Minnesota to Louisiana for the sole purpose of kidnapping a mule, and brought it back to their apartment complex in Minnesota. Bored with just having the mule around the apartment, Murdoch got drunk(or was still drunk?), went to some country and western bar in downtown Minneapolis and rode the mule into the bar while firing a gun in the air. (Ad: This might be the greatest story I have ever heard)
# Jim The Anvil Neidhart taught British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith how to drug his wife's orange juice right before bed time each night. Then the next morning their wives would awaken with bloody, sore anuses. It took them a few bloody anuses to realize their husbands were anally raping them.
# Dynamite Kid broke his niece's kneecaps for insurance money. He did it with a hammer while her father held her down. She walks with a limp for the rest of her life.
# TNA ring girl Athena has a foot and leg fetish and apparently was caught trying to run off with Zach Gowen's fake leg.
# A wrestler who worked Stampede blamed Dynamite Kid for John Foley's death. Dynamite would constantly slip uppers and downers into Foley's drinks and Foley eventually had a stroke and died.
# Hawk started taking Rhesus Monkey Hormones, which were big in the bodybuilding community at the time. He told Bill Watts that every morning his first thought when he woke up would be that he wanted to kill somebody. "That's a wonderful way to live." said Watts. (Ad: If Watts said it deadpan, dripping with sarcasm, that's pretty funny...sadly, knowing Bill Watts, he probably meant every word...)
# At WM 13, supposably Psycho Sid shit his pants in the match with the Undertaker and Undertaker said it was some horrible smell in the ring.
# Back in 1995-1996 in ECW, Raven was banging Francine. I think everyone knows he likes to degrade women... a lot. Well he would choke her, slap her, tie her up, call her names, spit in her face, etc. But what finally broke her was when he fisted her while she was tied up. She started crying so he stopped but didn't untie her. So he started sticking the hotel remote control in her, which he did at every hotel room they stayed in. She was cool with that. But then he broke out the coffee cups and she finally left him when he untied her.
# Sable used to live in a trailer park before she met Mero. They have a bogus "how we met story" they tell everyone. The truth is that he met her while he was in WCW on the road... at a strip club. She was a stripper who offered "extras" for a price. Mero was impressed with the service and asked her to come on the road with him. She did. Mero didn't have any interest in making it a serious relationship though. He just wanted a regular piece on the road with him. So he started pimping her out to the boys a little bit. I know of at least five boys who took Mero up on it before she got pregnant. When she got pregnant Mero, as a part-time Christian, did the honorable thing and married her. Once the pregnancy was "handled" Sable continued to bang the boys but this time it was done w/o Mero in the know. She is apparently really into three and four way "dances" with her in a handicap match of sorts. BTW, she tells the boys they cannot wear condoms because she is "allergic" to them. I know one guy suggest lambskin but she wouldn't allow it because she is a vegan. The guy said, "Well you don't have to eat it."
# Ahmed Johnson did a lot of coke back around 1996 at the height of his WWF pay. I don't think I have to tell you that Chris and Tammy enjoy their fair share of nose candy. Well once they had blown through their cash but were still jonesing, they got desparate. They asked Ahmed for an eight ball on credit. He laughed and said, "Black people don't believe in credit. But we can barter." Chris asked what he wanted and Ahmed nodded in her direction. Chris looked at Tammy who shrugged before he said, "Well hey don't hurt her, okay?" So like twenty minutes later Ahmed finishes and Tammy leaves his room with the tiny, paper envelope. Instead of going back and using it with Chris (who was in their room freaking out), she did the coke with Shawn Michaels and spent the night in his room. A few hours later a frantic Candido starts banging on Ahmed's door. Ahmed answers the door and Candido asks, "Is Tammy here?" Ahmed shrugs and Chris says, "Where the fuck is Tammy?" Ahmed says he doesn't know because she left hours ago. Candido immediately abandons his search and says, "Well did she take the dope with her?" The next morning he still hasn't seen Tammy so he goes to the front desk where he runs into Shawn Michaels in the lobby. Shawn walks up to Candido and pushes a nostril close, sniffs, and says, "Thanks for the bump, Chris." Chris asked where Tammy was and Shawn said, "She's probably back in your room now." Candido stormed up to see her, got in a big argument, went to the building, and quit on the spot. The agent told him he couldn't quit w/o a written notice. So he picked up a booking sheet, flipped it over, and wrote: "I quit. Chris Candido" And that was the end of his WWF career.
# Bruiser Brody once assaulted a fan with a vomit-drenched mop, because he was trying to kill the territory.
# "He had scar tissue on his butt from so many injections over the years, and it was hard to shove the needle in." - Superstar Billy Graham on injecting Hulk Hogan with testosterone.

Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.

#433212 - 07/01/09 08:16 PM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
Uomo Grassissimo!! Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/14/06
Posts: 14755
Loc: Busy downloading [LEGALLY!]
Where's the thing about the thumb?
Amo i Gemelli!! wink

#433213 - 07/01/09 08:26 PM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
taint1974 Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 04/21/07
Posts: 398
Most of those are bullshit. I used to post of the Death Valley Driver Board when the list started and 99% of them were debunked right away, the only real stuff is things like Rick Rude knocking guys out with one punch and Randy Savage being a legit psycho.

#433214 - 07/01/09 08:28 PM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
CxGxPx Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral

Where's the thing about the thumb?

Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.

#433215 - 07/01/09 08:33 PM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
CxGxPx Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral

Most of those are bullshit. I used to post of the Death Valley Driver Board when the list started and 99% of them were debunked right away, the only real stuff is things like Rick Rude knocking guys out with one punch and Randy Savage being a legit psycho.

What about Vince McMahon allegedly attempted rape of Rita Chatterton. And His Limousine driver corroborating the story. He also apparently tried to sue McMahon because he was forced to witness the commitment of many crimes over the years but the case had lack of evidence.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.

#433216 - 07/01/09 08:34 PM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
Uomo Grassissimo!! Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/14/06
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Loc: Busy downloading [LEGALLY!]
Amo i Gemelli!! wink

#433217 - 07/01/09 08:43 PM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
Fiend Offline
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Registered: 11/04/05
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Loc: Pit of Despair
Who cares? Wrestling is homo erotic ballet. Most of those guys are a pubic hair away from fucking guys or trannys for cash and telling themselves they aren't gay because its for the money.
Fap, Fap, Fap

#433218 - 07/01/09 09:00 PM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
CxGxPx Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral

Who cares? Wrestling is homo erotic ballet. Most of those guys are a pubic hair away from fucking guys or trannys for cash and telling themselves they aren't gay because its for the money.

Who cares? It's entertaining. And There actually is a lot of homoerotic activity in the list.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.

#433219 - 07/01/09 10:18 PM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
MoronBoy Offline
Chronic Masturbator

Registered: 07/30/06
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Can't believe the one about Jerry "The King" Lawler's crown being filled with shit when he left it unattended in the locker room when he first entered the WWF isn't on here.

#433220 - 07/01/09 10:56 PM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
Da Burglar Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/02/05
Posts: 5750
10 minutes after reading this & I am still laughing, it is fucking hillarious, especially if you are old enough to remember Rhodes & Murdoch:

# The AWA wrestlers in the 70s usually had three nights off in a row. One time Dusty Rhodes and Dick Murdoch got drunk, drove all the way from Minnesota to Louisiana for the sole purpose of kidnapping a mule, and brought it back to their apartment complex in Minnesota. Bored with just having the mule around the apartment, Murdoch got drunk(or was still drunk?), went to some country and western bar in downtown Minneapolis and rode the mule into the bar while firing a gun in the air. (Ad: This might be the greatest story I have ever heard)

This sounds like something Bornyo and I, Da Burglar, would do if were ever roommates.
Are you gonna eat that?

#433221 - 07/02/09 04:50 AM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
Uomo Grassissimo!! Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/14/06
Posts: 14755
Loc: Busy downloading [LEGALLY!]

This sounds like something Bornyo and I, Da Burglar, would do if were ever roommates.

Which one would be the mule and which the rider.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink

#433222 - 07/02/09 06:23 AM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
99% Fiction Offline
Registered Sex Offender

Registered: 12/16/08
Posts: 2401
Better story about Dusty and Dick is that they made a young Ric Flair ride in the back of the pickup going to gigs, in the winter in Minnesota.

I like the Vince's kids stories, Raven used to get them high, and the classic: Randy Savage deflowered a teenage Stephanie.

Oh, and Andre the Giant getting dosed with ExLax and not fitting into an airplane's bathroom is good.
"Guage once told me that there is nothing worse than eaten ass of a black dude thats been huffen drain cleaner the night befor." - delanoojos

#433223 - 07/02/09 07:22 AM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
the unknown pervert Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
Some more good ones (even if they're not true).

R&R Express walk in on Jimmy Valiant laying on the floor jerking off under a glass table that a hooker is shitting on. Ricky throws up and leaves, while Robert stays to watch.

Kerry Von Erich was preparing for a match, getting his gear on and listening to his Walkman, but he was so fucked up he somehow laced the headphone cable into his boot laces.

The Iron Shiek used to do headstands while snorting coke.

Homicide punched a fire extinguisher at the same hotel, shattering glass and causing him to miss the show the next day and the ROH show after that. I believe he was intoxicated, because he kept hollering "That damn thing owed me money" after he punched it. He was eventually taken to the hospital and was stitched up.

Someone made fun of Bob Backlund for being the only person in WWF locker room who didn't drink or do any drugs. He kept bugging Bob about it, so Bob took him down, tied him into a hold, and sat on his back for about an hour, not letting him up.

Ricky Morton let Killer Kyle & Robbie Eagle (Maestro) watch him get it on with Andrea one night. After Ricky was done apparently Eagle sheepishly asked Ricky, "can I eat that?"

Killer Karl Kox has a glass eye. He would secretly remove the eye and put it in his foreskin. When a girl went to go down on him, they got an "eyefull" and left screaming.

Jaime Dundee is a sick puppy. Guys have known that for quite some time. Unfortunately, he took it to a whole new level a few years back. Apparently, after a drinking, pot and coke binge with his cousin, he fucked her. And I don't just mean missionary. They did it all. I'm still in shock. The worst part is that he defended it by saying that she's really hot. Not sure if it's worse that he did it or that he was bragging about it.

Buzz Sawyer got into a fight outside a club. The other guy pulls out a gun and sticks it in Buzz's mouth saying hes going to blow his head off. Buzz just stands their laughing with the loaded gun in his mouth and the other guy freaks out and leaves.

Mabel getting everybody kicked out of a diner after telling their waitress that he wanted her "luscious pussy lips on a plate".

They were at DDP's Christmas party and Hammer was saying some naughty things about British and/or Mexican wrestlers. Regal got word and reportedly gave him a royal thrashing. Word has it he headbutted him 5 times over the punch bowl. Hammer stunk but I always dug his gimmick because I’m a metalhead. Still, Regal is a tough hombre. (thanks to several who wrote me on this one) WINNER: Regal. LOSER: Heavy metal fans.

During their series of matches. They had a spot set up where warrior would charge Andre w/ a clothesline knocking the Giant back into the ropes to be tied up. Problem was, that Warrior would charge at Andre going at full speed. Now it didn't hurt Andre, but pissed him off royaly. When he was hit by the clothesline, Heenan would hear Andre grunt. This went on for a while, match after match, same thing. Warrior at full speed and Andre grunting. Finally Andre had enough. The spot came up and Warrior charged full speed at Andre, but the Giant simply held up his fist which connected and Warrior was knocked senseless. Next match, spot comes up, Warrior goes for the clothesline and basically goes in slow motion and connects with the clothesline. Andre gets tied up in the ropes and leans over to Bobby and says "He's learning."

WWF was in between shows at the local airport, and the wrestlers were waiting by the baggage collection bay and Bradshaw decided to dick about trying to push Blackman onto the moving luggage belt. Blackman turned around unflustered and planted a crescent kick flush on Bradshaw's jaw, knocking him clean out, picked up his bag and walked on. Both shook hands when it was done.

Vince McMahon asked Goldust to get breast implants put in and he seriously thought about it.

Hugh Morris once broke Matthew Lesko's jaw in a barfight over the question marks on their outfits.

I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules

#433224 - 07/03/09 05:45 AM Re: The Scummiest Stories In Pro Wrestling.
inebriated kiwi Offline
Internet Tough Guy

Registered: 12/25/08
Posts: 843
Loc: Sydney Australia

Dusty Rhodes has a small penis

Now that's a fuckin shock.


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