
Ah, so you're feeling better, Chico? I was sort of worried after the doctors said you may never be able to shit again after SURGICALLY REMOVING MY FOOT FROM YOUR ASS.

Don't get too comfortable, though. There are many, many weeks of acting as a human shoehorn for me still to come. I wear a size twelve and I hate a snug fit.

(Chico wakes up from his nap) Hey Arab, you still flapping your camel lips? Dont you realize NO ONE cares what a camel riding,pointy shoe wearing,Slurpy pushing,grenade throwing terrorist has to say? Im going to slap the taste out your mouth all the way back to Baghdad. When do we meet for our showdown? It doesnt really matter because that sand clock you call reality is about to come to a rude awakaning. I rule the desert plains.Chico has spoken!