
You are a delussional bastard. You talk the most shit yet I will be the one making the measurements for your coffin. I will dig your rotting corpse up in 8 years and use as my mascot as an example of the p[ain I will dish out. I win. You lose.That's life.

The key to a good promo is not to resort to profanity. Here,I'll rewrite yours.Take notes. "Chico,take the blinders off,you delussional bastard. You open-up your piehole and spew all kinds of manure. I'm going to get a shovel for all the crap thats building around you. When I'm done with that shovel,I'm going to bash your head in, dig a grave for your carcass and stuff it in the coffin with your name on it. Let generations to follow,the pain I dish out.You loose to the winner...ME! That's f'n life."
Isn't that better. Feel free to improvise it a little. Chico has spoken!