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#430881 - 06/17/09 11:42 PM
What do you think?
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
This is purely a curiosity thread. No hidden agenda, no "right" answer.
Personal events have led me to wonder once again about "the great beyond". So, I wonder:
How many of you believe in a life after death?
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#430882 - 06/18/09 12:30 AM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
Not anymore, and this was very recent for me. I've lost four friends in '09 counting the one who passed tonight. All of them good people, all of them good "Christians". They did more good here on earth than they could do from a great beyond. To me it seems like if an all knowing God was paying attention he'd leave his best troops on the ground.
It is a hard thing to know. There is clearly a spark that fuels a persons lifeforce and animates their body and fires their brain synapses. What happens to that energy when they die I have no idea but from what I have witnessed in hospital rooms this year it can dissipate so slowly and gradually that I can't conceive of anything resembling a soul making it to another side.
#430883 - 06/18/09 12:59 AM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/30/08
Posts: 7600
Loc: a site known for its tolerance...
Nope. Same as B, too many people dying horrible deaths lately. We can't get our heads around not existing, being nothing. But we were nothing for billions of years. Religion was used to explain a lot of stuff. Science is pulling back the veil on stuff we couldn't get our heads around.
And if it's the christian literalist version of how we get to heaven etc., I don't want it to be true...
"I'll never forget the moment during the lovely Alyssa Allure's scene in 'American Bukkake' where the fellow got out of his wheel chair to ejaculate on her face. It was grotesque but had a certain frisson." -Sock
#430884 - 06/18/09 01:06 AM
Re: What do you think?
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 10/05/08
Posts: 176
It depends on what you consider life.
I don't think we get reincarnated as humans, animals, or plants. Religious beliefs of heaven, hell, and god etc. are just morality checks created by people to keep us from having a free for all at each others expense .
Physics has proven that energy cannot be destroyed, it merely gets transferred. For example; the electricity that powers a light bulb gives off light which is transferred as heat. So when our life ends that energy has to go somewhere. Transferred to what? Who knows? I think it balances out across the universe evenly.
Of course people will argue that the universe is constantly expanding and that discounts that theory. I don't put that much faith in science's ability to measure that accurately.
[Acid Flashback]
It has been proposed that every galaxy has a black hole at its center, and that even light that is close enough to it gets trapped in it and can't escape. That would look suspiciously like the tunnel of light that most people describe when they have a near death experience. Maybe that's where we go when we die, to the nearest galactic recycling center
[/Acid Flashback]

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#430887 - 06/18/09 07:13 AM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
I think people who wish an eternity in hell on another person are destined to wind up there themselves.
#430891 - 06/18/09 12:07 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Icon
Registered: 02/04/05
Posts: 3499
Loc: The Dirty: 480
I saw a funny phrase on a church sign yesterday: Stop, drop, and roll won't work in Hell.
#430892 - 06/18/09 12:23 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/12/05
Posts: 7322
Loc: The Children's Limbo
I think you should have made this into a poll, and for the record: I believe in an afterlife.
I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.
#430893 - 06/18/09 04:39 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/01/08
Posts: 9782
Loc: Hillbilly Holler
I used to work for the state. At 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday there was life after death. Does that count ?
I may not know arse but I know what I like !
#430894 - 06/18/09 04:44 PM
Re: What do you think?
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
I still remember the first funeral I ever attended. It was my Uncle who had died rather suddenly. I was probably around 7 years old. I saw him in the open casket, then at the grave site and couldn't help wondering about what happens after death--like most people do at a funeral I suppose. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure I believed in a life after death even at that age, so the obvious conclusion scared the piss out of me.
I attended a private catholic school and went to church every Sunday, but never really bought into the whole religion thing even though I thought it would be nice if I could.
I would give anything in the world to be able to believe in a life after death.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#430895 - 06/18/09 04:56 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/01/08
Posts: 9782
Loc: Hillbilly Holler
Ok a couple nights after my Grandpa died I was sleeping and could have swore he was sitting on the side of my bed looking down at me smiling. The day my mom passed I was leaving the hospital. A voice in my head said very clearly "Don't go !" I didn't listen and by the time I had driven home about an hour away they were calling for me to return. I went back and about 2 AM in the morning I was reclining in the waiting room and as clear as hell I heard a voice say "I love you ! I'm leaving now !" I got up and started for ICU and staff met me halfway saying I needed to come because she was dying. I said "I know!" Swear to freaking God !
I may not know arse but I know what I like !
#430897 - 06/18/09 06:50 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Jesus
Registered: 11/27/07
Posts: 4795
My feelings are here. click. And die.
#430900 - 06/19/09 03:30 PM
Re: What do you think?
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
E.Y., there's a thing getting more common called Ghost Hunting. If you want to invest some actual time in getting self assurance in the after-life, that's probably the thing to do. It's nutty and kind of stupid, but hey, such is life!
I'm too lazy, but have read a little. Don't expect to see shit the vast majority of the time.
Someone posted a quote from some porn whore on this board recently where some porn whore is doing it.
There are a few fake reality shows on TV going right now about it. But, you get an idea of what's involved if you watch.
I don't think that I could ever get into that. The notion is interesting enough, and it isn't any more of a waste of time than catch-and-release fishing I would guess (without the the nice view of a good lake). I am quite sure there are exceptions to the rule, but the people who tend to go in for that sort of thing seem to be people who would consider a silent fart in the middle of the night to be proof positive that a ghost was present. My mind doesn't function that way, I wish it did--life would be soooo much easier.
The goofy machines they use are enough to put me off. As a former repair electrician with pretty extensive (formal not self taught) supplemental training in electronics during my misspent youth, those assinine contraptions they tend to carry around are enough to make my head explode.
As I said, it isn't the idea of it that puts me off, and I don't look down my nose at people who are into that like many skeptics. I think of it as an interesting fishing expedition type hobby for people who already believe.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#430904 - 06/19/09 07:29 PM
Re: What do you think?
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/13/07
Posts: 1011
The goofy machines they use are enough to put me off. As a former repair electrician with pretty extensive (formal not self taught) supplemental training in electronics during my misspent youth, those assinine contraptions they tend to carry around are enough to make my head explode.
I haven't looked into it enough to give you really good links. But, that's exactly what the guys who talk shit about seeming too worried about their "reputation" say. It's those goofy machines they use on TV that are absolute proof those shows are fake. They've tried the machines and just tell funny stories about how stupid they felt after having used the thing for half an hour.
That porn whore that was quote recently on the board, she said her Dad bought her some box that converted ambient environment variables into spoken words, yeah right. Another one that's a common hoax is the K-2 meter. That thing, you're supposed to be able to train the spirits to turn the lights on it on and off so they can respond to questions. I've read about that thing a couple of times. They say the trick they use on TV is that when you press the talk button on a walkie talkie, that makes those lights go off. So on TV, they sit the K-2 meter next to a walkie and sit there and act like they're having a conversation with a ghost.
As I said, it isn't the idea of it that puts me off, and I don't look down my nose at people who are into that like many skeptics. I think of it as an interesting fishing expedition type hobby for people who already believe.
From what I've been able to gather, that level of skepticism is exactly what some of these groups want. It may be all talk. But, I don't know why they'd bother making web sites with seldom used message boards just to talk hype about how genuine they are. But, I guess you could point fingers at someone who puts effort into a seldom used web site and just say their a kook because they did that to begin with.
They know all the better jargon that ghost hunters use to make them sound real on TV. Then, they come up with their some clever, some silly, hoaxes to give the folks something to watch at home. But, if you pick up on the jargon on the TV shows, then search around on the web for people who are actually claiming to do that stuff. Anyway, that's where I'm at. Maybe one day I'll contact one of those groups, go down, and realize I've never spent time with a more deranged group of individuals in my entire life.
#430905 - 06/19/09 07:41 PM
Re: What do you think?
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 10/05/08
Posts: 176
Physics has proven that energy cannot be destroyed, it merely gets transferred. For example; the electricity that powers a light bulb gives off light which is transferred as heat. So when our life ends that energy has to go somewhere. Transferred to what? Who knows? I think it balances out across the universe evenly.
I'm not sure why the sudden shift in thinking from the lightbulb analogy into the spiritual? Why do you think of the energy released by a living person as any different than the light bulb? If the wiring of your lamp gets old and cracks and the light goes off, do you wonder if the energy from the once brightly lit lamp has gone off into the universe or do you simply recognize the wire broke, the electricity flow was interrupted and the bulb stopped glowing?
If the wire in a lamp breaks the electricity is still there and detectable just not being used or transferred. When someone dies there is certainly no detectable energy, so what happened to the power source?
#430907 - 06/19/09 08:17 PM
Re: What do you think?
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
So let's change the analogy from a lamp to an automobile. Slightly more complicated analogy, but is it really any more difficult to understand when it breaks down that it is not a spiritual event?
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#430908 - 06/19/09 09:25 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
A battery is an even better analogy.
Mass and energy are independent of sentience.
A brain-dead patient is still producing biochemical energy yet has no sentience. The sentience simply ended when the brain injury occurred either through outside trauma or internal event (e.g. aneurysm).
Where some kind of dramatic equivalent exchange could be made with outside trauma (e.g. car crash unleashes "soul" in a spectacular death), it would be more interesting to consider the aneurysm example.
A very small blockage happens, a headache develops and grows ever stronger, and..."poof", there goes sentience.
How much "energy" was generated by this?
Very little.
Was that the "soul"?
So, no, I don't believe in an afterlife but also can't explain all of the unexplainable events that occur to other people.
Other than suggesting that the human brain, in all of it's complexity, is as individual as a fingerprint, and where most may have the "God" node, some don't; where some have schizophrenia, most do not, and for those who do, some forms of schizophrenia may be quite mild, only evidencing itself as "voices" in times of stress (e.g. bereavement, Kirk Gibson’s home run in the 1989 World Series, etc.)
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#430909 - 06/19/09 09:37 PM
Re: What do you think?
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
Well, I'm trying to walk a fine line between challenging an analogy without being argumentative. I'm just trying to pick somebody's brain, not win a debating contest.
However, I suspect that much like organized religion, spirituality (my shorthand term for believing in life after death) is born out of a lack of understanding. No matter if it is misunderstanding where thunder and lightning come from or not knowing how the Kreb's cycle works.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#430910 - 06/19/09 09:55 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
No, as I said before, it's all preordained by brain structure and whether or not your "spirituality" node is developed or not.
Other nodes include being left-handed, being homosexual, or even a tilt towards "liberal" or "conservative."
Environment can obviate some of these leanings, to a certain extant, but the ultimate outcome is the same:
“I am what I am.”
It doesn’t matter how much “understanding” one embarks upon during life to change the preordained brain structure, it can only achieve incremental change.
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#430911 - 06/19/09 10:09 PM
Re: What do you think?
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
No, as I said before, it's all preordained by brain structure and whether or not your "spirituality" node is developed or not.
Other nodes include being left-handed, being homosexual, or even a tilt towards "liberal" or "conservative."
Environment can obviate some of these leanings, to a certain extant, but the ultimate outcome is the same:
“I am what I am.”
It doesn’t matter how much “understanding” one embarks upon during life to change the preordained brain structure, it can only achieve incremental change.
Hmmm, sorry, you are just selling the same faith in an unprovable notion as the local priest. Sure it sounds different than the "Amens" and "Hoseas" of the church or temple, but it is fundamentally the same argument.
If your faith in the Holy Node makes you feel better, good luck to you Sir. I am cursed by being a loyal disciple of the Holy Trinity of Curiosity, Intellectual honesty, and Empiricism.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#430912 - 06/19/09 10:36 PM
Re: What do you think?
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 10/05/08
Posts: 176
So let's change the analogy from a lamp to an automobile. Slightly more complicated analogy, but is it really any more difficult to understand when it breaks down that it is not a spiritual event?
I think you've misunderstood me from the get go. Outside of cellular death, I believe that the consciousness, soul or whatever else you would like to call it, is an energy source independent of cells.
I also believe that energy does leave the body and what happens to it afterwards is anybody's guess. Whether it's a static charge 100 feet away or a blob of gas 100 billion light years away is irrelevant, it still exists. It definitely nothing to look forward to in any case.
In the grander scheme of things I guess that means I believe that there is an existence after death, but I wouldn't consider that life. Simply an energy potential.
#430913 - 06/19/09 10:50 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
Hmmm, sorry, you are just selling the same faith in an unprovable notion as the local priest. Sure it sounds different than the "Amens" and "Hoseas" of the church or temple, but it is fundamentally the same argument.
If your faith in the Holy Node makes you feel better, good luck to you Sir. I am cursed by being a loyal disciple of the Holy Trinity of Curiosity, Intellectual honesty, and Empiricism.
It is not the same argument as I am selling “Nothing”, i.e. the absence of faith, afterlife, ghosts, etc.
Peddling “Nothing” would be a hard racket if I was to profit from same, though in the same way, it could approach Milton Friedman University of Chicago economic sleight-of-hand.
My “Holy Trinity of Curiosity, Intellectual honesty, and Empiricism” has led me to this conclusion quite some time ago, and perhaps in a few years, you shall see the same.
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#430914 - 06/19/09 11:08 PM
Re: What do you think?
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
Hmmm, sorry, you are just selling the same faith in an unprovable notion as the local priest. Sure it sounds different than the "Amens" and "Hoseas" of the church or temple, but it is fundamentally the same argument.
If your faith in the Holy Node makes you feel better, good luck to you Sir. I am cursed by being a loyal disciple of the Holy Trinity of Curiosity, Intellectual honesty, and Empiricism.
It is not the same argument as I am selling “Nothing”, i.e. the absence of faith, afterlife, ghosts, etc.
Peddling “Nothing” would be a hard racket if I was to profit from same, though in the same way, it could approach Milton Friedman University of Chicago economic sleight-of-hand.
My “Holy Trinity of Curiosity, Intellectual honesty, and Empiricism” has led me to this conclusion quite some time ago, and perhaps in a few years, you shall see the same.
Heretic ! 
After there is empirical evidence of the certainty of the Holy Node's existence, intellectual honesty will compel me to accept it and curiosity will encourage me to explore it more fully. Until then it is pure heresy! ...and by the power vested in me by the Holy Trinity you are hereby excommunicated. Repent.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#430917 - 06/19/09 11:45 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral
I saw the last praying mantis today eat it's own head and fuck it's self into nothing.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.
#430920 - 06/20/09 12:06 AM
Re: What do you think?
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
Your pre-established flawed "searching" node compels you to do so; therefore I forgive you for what you are trying to do.
Oh, my son, why tempt the horrible wrath of the Holy Trinity by insinuating one can do "search" for knowledge with all that it implies?
Yay, though the great Satan, Google, did tempt the flock of the Holy Trinity and the corrupt members of the flock did fall while the righteous disciple turned away and, verily, when the great Whore Wikipedia did offer him the alluring caress of her supple flesh, many more of the flock did wander off the path of true salvation. Glory be to the man pure of thought and pure of deed who did seek the eternal salvation of primary sources and refused to be led astray by the false profits known as "the dissertation writers" and other money changers in the temples of Epistemology who corrupted the flock by attempting to pass off hypothesis and unsubstantiated theory as the one true word. Amen.
I have put in a strong argument that yours was merely a venial sin, my son, but I am afraid it is not only a mortal sin, it is a cardinal sin. You must remain in the wilderness until a true profit grants your salvation with the great word of truth. I shall remain, as always, receptive to your return to the flock while hoping for a plenary indulgence by the Holy Trinity on your behalf.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#430921 - 06/20/09 04:26 PM
Re: What do you think?
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 08/07/08
Posts: 572
Loc: USA
This is purely a curiosity thread. No hidden agenda, no "right" answer.
Personal events have led me to wonder once again about "the great beyond". So, I wonder:
How many of you believe in a life after death?
I don't believe in Heaven or Hell. I won't believe in an afterlife, until I've experienced it firsthand.
#430922 - 06/20/09 04:32 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
I don't believe in Heaven or Hell. I won't believe in an afterlife, until I've experienced it firsthand.
Then it will be too late. Repent now!
#430923 - 06/20/09 06:27 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral
#430924 - 06/20/09 06:32 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 11/04/05
Posts: 3509
Loc: Pit of Despair
I think its total bullshit that Bornyo has friends IRL.
Fap, Fap, Fap
#430925 - 06/20/09 06:40 PM
Re: What do you think?
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
I think its total bullshit that Bornyo has friends IRL.
Maybe you pegged me there, but there are dozens of people IRL who call me friend. What's worse, there are almost half a dozen less in 2009 alone.
#430928 - 06/20/09 07:31 PM
Re: What do you think?
Chronic Masturbator
Registered: 03/29/08
Posts: 1991
Loc: colorado
itd be fun to be a ghost but i dont think it really happens
"Should send her our way, XPT could REALLY get her warmed up for any kind of abuse she might get later. "- nugent
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