

I read AIM made a mistake and gave someone a clean slate, only to call them back a few days later(after a couple shoots) to tell them they indeed have the package(HIV).
If anyone has more info let us know

It never happened. She was notified IN PERSON at the AIM cinic on saturday. She was NEVER told her test was negative. That was started by the porducer of the Fiday shoot who lied to his performers and told them he checked with AIM and everybodys test is ok. He is trying to cover his ass. Her test was "pending" on friday.

This producer knows he is going to get his ass sued by everyone on that set on Friday, he knows OSHA is going to nail his ass, and he knows there are some people who are very pissed of at him, so he tried to start this lie to cover his ass. Now, thanks to him making all this public you casn kiss AIM goodbye, and say hello to the State of California taking over the testing(performers will have to register as sex workers, like nevada) and concoms will become mandatory, possibly as early as July,1 of this year. Way to go mr. producer.

You can all send thank you cards to the idiot who was the producer on that friday shoot. ANYBODY want to name names, or shall I do it?

your reading way more into it......CAL OSHA is not taking over and AIM is not going "bye-bye" either.....

morning needs some Alprazolam 1 mg or 2 mg to calm down....your having a panic attack...you will be OK.....

There is one thing however...you will be getting a bill from Dr. Mitch for this.....as this is an internet housecall.