...in flames


Elli and I are across the courtyard from each other so we're still close(lie) but on the way to our own lives again. We love each other to death(lie) but it's really hard to have our lives when we were stuck so close together all the time. Much like sisters, we tend to start bickering. Our age differences really make for challenging times since we want different things in our lives. Elli's young and wants to have fun and I'm mature and want to be more settled. I think I'm more excited than Elli but we'll see once she's had her own space for some time.

So Elli doesn't really enjoy working at the brothel. Big surprise here.


On, not sure if I mentioned it before but Elli's unit is furnished but mine is not. I preferred it that way so I could pick my own stuff.

yeah right


Today, Elli and I are fighting. This is why we need separate space. I'm not sure what her problem is(lie) these days but whenever somethings bothering her, I seem to be the whipping post and I'm about done with that. Before she made the decision to go into porn and I decided to go with her to keep her safe, my bills were paid(so why you did not have a bank account?), I had a nice place and a great car. Unfortunately, kids at her age don't appreciate what their parents do for them.(what exactly have you ever done for her?) I know it took having kids before I really appreciated my parents. One day she'll see and she'll be sorry for the things she says and does. In the meantime, it's better for us to get away from each other for awhile.


I'm really working hard(lie) to separate us as much as possible these days. Having our own cars is the next step in the process. I think that being together so much is not healthy for our relationship. And if we can't get along in our personal lives, it makes it that much harder to work together for all our business dealings.

Fucking rednecks, niggas and truckers /= "business dealings", Desi.


Kids will be kids and Moms will be moms. Nothing's going to change that fact so we really aren't meant to live together in adulthood lol!!

"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja