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#425904 - 05/22/09 12:55 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Gay For Pay
Registered: 12/24/07
Posts: 997
Loc: FL
Thank you croc and tatty! My point exactly!
And I still have hope for Obamas promise. He's had a shit ton to deal with in the short time hes been in office so far. He has to prioritize. Not everything can be done in one fell swoop...some things will take time to work out.
#425905 - 05/22/09 01:10 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Gay For Pay
Registered: 12/24/07
Posts: 997
Loc: FL
Oh and...it happens a lot more then you might think: Gays being kicked out of military at steady rate http://www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2009/05/gays_being_kick.htmlhttp://www.logcabin.org/lcrchicago/gays_military.html : "As of June, 2007, 58 linguists fluent in Arabic have been kicked out of the military for being gay. This happened even as intelligence agencies complained about a shortage of linguists fluent in Arabic, and the military itself is desperate for Arabic translators." "Allowing openly gay service members will not hurt unit cohesion or competence. Our closest allies allow openly gay service members, including every member of NATO except Turkey. Research shows none of the countries with openly gay service members have been hurt by their non-discrimination policy. England, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Israel are just some of the 24 nations that allow openly gay members in the military. Even South Africa allows openly gay service members. Even though many opponents predicted problems in these countries before their bans were lifted, time proved them wrong. Researchers say not a single country with openly gay service members has reported any decrease in morale, recruitment, retention or cohesion." "Furthermore, a 2006 Zogby International poll, commissioned by the Michael Palm Center, of U.S combat veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, found that 75% of were comfortable working with gays and lesbians, and 68% either knew for certain or suspected there homosexual members of their own unit. Yet clearly the combat readiness of our military has not suffered with the known presence of gay troops. " "The Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy is corrupted by some people as a way of avoiding military service. Research shows, and even the military admits, that a sizable percentage of those kicked out of the armed forces for being homosexual are actually heterosexual. They use the policy like a get out of jail free card. Eliminating the policy would close this loophole." "The military wastes millions of dollars each year investigating "violations" of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. With a huge budget deficit, this money could be better spent on projects that actually improve national defense." " The combination of personnel losses are far higher than the 600-750 people per year kicked out under DADT (#1 above). A 2007 analysis of retention data by Dr. Gary Gates of the Williams Institute at UCLA Law School, based on an academic survey of GLBT veterans, found that 19.2% admitted to voluntarily leaving the military because of the difficulties of serving under DADT. This translates to 3000-4000 people per year!! And it has been going on for 13 years. And every one of those 3000-4000 people are already paid for, trained and experienced. You simply can't replace them with a raw recruit off the street. "
#425906 - 05/22/09 01:14 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Gay For Pay
Registered: 12/24/07
Posts: 997
Loc: FL
Didnt want to start a new thread, but Im just putting this here, cause obvisously there are Americans who don't give a shit about spending money. I am not a wine drinker, and I was given this as a gift today, wtf? I think Im gonna sell it on EBAY, I dont want it, I dont even know what the fuck it is:
1937 Des Lambrays, Clos de Lambrays, any wine drinkers, know if this is any good, is it worth opening or trying to sell, he just told me it's expensive and delicious, but I dont like wine.
Any suggestions?
It is a very good and VERY expensive wine. Depending on the condition,how it has been stored,etc..etc..it can go for anywhere from $2K-over $5K
Nice gift!!!!! I'll take it off your hands if you dont want it!!!! I like wine...esp vintage good wine!
I dont think you can sell alcohol on ebay,but I know there are loopholes for certain vintage bottles.
For something like that though...I'd go through a more upscale and reputable auction house like Christies if you can.
Edited by cameronkeys (05/22/09 01:18 PM)
#425907 - 05/22/09 01:17 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Registered: 12/26/07
Posts: 2056
Well, had he spent less time robbing Chrysler creditors in brad daylight, destroying the global economy with his inane economic policies and draconian regulations he might have been able to address this issue already.
"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja
#425910 - 05/22/09 02:36 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Gay For Pay
Registered: 03/07/06
Posts: 1059
Cameron Keys is my new XPT crush.  She pretty much owned you guys in this thread.
Honestly, I don't know...I'm torn. We haven't talked since AVN (other than the hearing in February)- Eric on Bree Olson
#425913 - 05/22/09 02:58 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 316
Loc: Outside Daddy's new Church
Very,very few people are kicked out for being gay
one is too many, especially if they bring special skills to the job... http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2005/2/25/83448.shtml
I'm going to spin you guys around on this. It's really the other way around from my experience. I had a guy come up to me two days before we deployed and said, "I can't go because I'm afraid of what might happen on deployment". He then showed me two polaroids, my eyes are still burning, of him sucking off his roomy. In the don't ask, don't tell way of doing business, at that moment, I had to send him to NIS. He was gone the next day, but he came by and thanked me and last I heard he was a bank teller in Hillcrest in SD. The other was a flamer who worked for me, was pretty senior 12+ years, then pulled the "I'm gay" card when he found out he was HIV + and wanted to spend the remaining time with his people. Unfortunately, this was in the first quarter of the aids pandemic and he died. But what I'm pointing out here is the don't ask, don't tell favored the gays as they can "opt out" when it makes sense, pleases them.....
"Quasarman. The only thing this idiot should be directing is french fries into a deep fryer." JS
#425917 - 05/22/09 03:33 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Porn Jesus
Registered: 11/27/07
Posts: 4795
Does anyone know how countries who have compulsory military service deal with this?
#425921 - 05/22/09 04:11 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Registered: 06/22/07
Posts: 2656
Loc: Polekatz, Rte 43
I hope you are. Like I said, I've been to Holland. The ragheads there live in poverty.
"You have been banned from making any new posts or sending private messages. The reason for this ban is: meh, cause i can"
#425925 - 05/23/09 12:02 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Human Garbage
Registered: 04/02/09
Posts: 1541
Loc: Mississippi
Its all bullshit. Someone's sexual preference shouldnt be an issue for anything. Once upon a time all the same moronic arguments were made against blacks in the military...you know what? Either get used to it or dont join the fucking military.
Really? People used to argue against blacks in the military because of the issue of romantic relationships?
No people argued that blacks would make the other soldiers uncomfortable and thus negatively affect their performance.Which is the main argument for those against gays in the military. If you are uncomfortable sharing quarters with a gay person..guess what..thats YOUR problem,not theirs. Get over it. People shouldnt be denied because of others ignorance and small mindedness.
And relationship issues already happen in the military. They always have.Either closeted gay relationships,or male female. People deal. Its life. Get over it and grow up.
Why are you forcing me to support a side I really don't care much about?
The two arguments are not equivalent. The fact that the two arguments are not equivalent is the entire foundation of my position.
You want desperately to claim that people who don't like the idea of gays in the military are uncomfortable around gay people. Is that because your position looses credibility if you admit that this is really not the problem?
I'm not forcing you to do anything. I'm saying that people shouldnt be excluded from a job just because others "feel funny" around them for no other reason then how they were born. Whether thats skin color,sexual orientation,gender....doesnt matter. One persons "feelings" should NEVER trump another persons legal rights.
Who said anything anywhere on here about anybody feeling funny around anybody else? You simply invented that.
The reason I feel compelled to respond is that you are trying to portray my position as one of prejudice against somebody else because I don't like their sexual orientation. That is untrue and a cheap shot.
I am simply curious to see if you can come up with any other argument other than "you don't like gay people, get over it, it's like with black people, you're prejudiced."
I don't think you can. Therefore, you don't have any argument against my position, so I must be right.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.
#425926 - 05/23/09 01:09 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Gay For Pay
Registered: 12/24/07
Posts: 997
Loc: FL
#425927 - 05/23/09 02:02 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/25/06
Posts: 4470
I'm not forcing you to do anything. I'm saying that people shouldnt be excluded from a job just because others "feel funny" around them for no other reason then how they were born. Whether thats skin color,sexual orientation,gender....doesnt matter. One persons "feelings" should NEVER trump another persons legal rights.
Fags aren't born queer, IMO, it's something they develop. To each their own, I have no problem with 'em, but I'll be damned if it's the way they were born.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron
#425931 - 05/23/09 06:57 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
face it this is a talking point for the talking heads just to get the bible thumpers riled so they can pander to demographics....get them church going folk.....its a tragedy in a whole...just to think if all the men who left the draft and war...back in nam...could have done the same thing.....with they would.....cause there would be more women 4 me!
#425933 - 05/23/09 07:20 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
The reason I have stayed out of this thread until now is because I don't really have a stand one way or another on the issue. I can see both sides of the argument. But your post made it sound like you considered the military to be interchangeable with any other job. I would consider that to be a poor argument. The reason any other job exists is because members of the military have fought and died to defend those jobs.
If the heads of the military do not consider homosexuality to be an issue and end up overturning the current regulations then fine I have no problem with that. If they do consider homosexuality to be an issue and maintain the current regulations then fine I have no issue with that either. The only situation I would have an issue with would be if the top military brass firmly believe in the latter example yet change their policy due only to political pressure and correctness. That I could not support.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
#425935 - 05/24/09 06:52 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/25/06
Posts: 4470
DERAIL: I see Cameron has a wish list (in her sig), how surprising for a whore.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron
#425937 - 05/24/09 08:19 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Porn Jesus
Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
It's irrelevant as to the sexual predilection of the person piloting the drone that will bomb a suspected "enemy." As long as they press "ON" instead of emailing Coke for that day's talking points from Fox "News"....
"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.
#425941 - 05/25/09 11:14 AM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Porn Jesus
Registered: 11/27/07
Posts: 4795
I thought one of the aspects of military service was that even if you don't like things you can't "grow up and go home". It's not an option.
#425943 - 05/25/09 12:03 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Porn Jesus
Registered: 08/16/08
Posts: 4257
Loc: Counting Kisses
#425944 - 05/25/09 12:08 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Gay For Pay
Registered: 12/24/07
Posts: 997
Loc: FL
#425947 - 05/25/09 12:34 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Registered: 12/26/07
Posts: 2056
Not anymore...you just managed to kill the last remaining part of it.
"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja
#425950 - 05/25/09 12:56 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Registered: 12/26/07
Posts: 2056
Just don't try to kill Sierra Sinn's soul. Her buddy Jersey Jaxin is a haxor and can clusterfuck all your internets so bad that not even Shelley Lubben's prayer for "total restoration of my web site, email and myspace." will help you.
"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja
#425953 - 05/25/09 01:57 PM
Re: Do Americans Really Give a Shit About....
Registered: 12/26/07
Posts: 2056
Just a bunch of old XPT memes Electro
"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja
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