

Very,very few people are kicked out for being gay

one is too many, especially if they bring special skills to the job...

I'm going to spin you guys around on this. It's really the other way around from my experience. I had a guy come up to me two days before we deployed and said, "I can't go because I'm afraid of what might happen on deployment". He then showed me two polaroids, my eyes are still burning, of him sucking off his roomy. In the don't ask, don't tell way of doing business, at that moment, I had to send him to NIS. He was gone the next day, but he came by and thanked me and last I heard he was a bank teller in Hillcrest in SD. The other was a flamer who worked for me, was pretty senior 12+ years, then pulled the "I'm gay" card when he found out he was HIV + and wanted to spend the remaining time with his people. Unfortunately, this was in the first quarter of the aids pandemic and he died. But what I'm pointing out here is the don't ask, don't tell favored the gays as they can "opt out" when it makes sense, pleases them.....
"Quasarman. The only thing this idiot should be directing is french fries into a deep fryer." JS