
Didnt want to start a new thread, but Im just putting this here, cause obvisously there are Americans who don't give a shit about spending money. I am not a wine drinker, and I was given this as a gift today, wtf? I think Im gonna sell it on EBAY, I dont want it, I dont even know what the fuck it is:
1937 Des Lambrays, Clos de Lambrays, any wine drinkers, know if this is any good, is it worth opening or trying to sell, he just told me it's expensive and delicious, but I dont like wine.
Any suggestions?

It is a very good and VERY expensive wine. Depending on the condition,how it has been stored,etc..etc..it can go for anywhere from $2K-over $5K

Nice gift!!!!! I'll take it off your hands if you dont want it!!!! I like wine...esp vintage good wine!

I dont think you can sell alcohol on ebay,but I know there are loopholes for certain vintage bottles.

For something like that though...I'd go through a more upscale and reputable auction house like Christies if you can.

Edited by cameronkeys (05/22/09 01:18 PM)
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