


Its all bullshit. Someone's sexual preference shouldnt be an issue for anything. Once upon a time all the same moronic arguments were made against blacks in the military...you know what? Either get used to it or dont join the fucking military.

Really? People used to argue against blacks in the military because of the issue of romantic relationships?

No people argued that blacks would make the other soldiers uncomfortable and thus negatively affect their performance.Which is the main argument for those against gays in the military. If you are uncomfortable sharing quarters with a gay person..guess what..thats YOUR problem,not theirs. Get over it. People shouldnt be denied because of others ignorance and small mindedness.

And relationship issues already happen in the military. They always have.Either closeted gay relationships,or male female. People deal. Its life. Get over it and grow up.

Why are you forcing me to support a side I really don't care much about?

The two arguments are not equivalent. The fact that the two arguments are not equivalent is the entire foundation of my position.

You want desperately to claim that people who don't like the idea of gays in the military are uncomfortable around gay people. Is that because your position looses credibility if you admit that this is really not the problem?

--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.