Wow this makes me pine for the glory days, the days of my youth wasted on wine women and thong...
-- I love the blurb the Crimson inserted about the "Exam Forgiveness" that will be extended to any student impacted by this incident. This is a HUGE fucking deal at Harvard, Final exams...the atmosphere is so competitive, students become total basket cases during Study Period and exam period. Suicidal tendencies come to the fore of these high strung "geniuses" used to freak me out.
-- This incident, a murder right in the heart of an undergraduate house, is a potential major administrative nightmare for the university....they will now have to deal with a large number of worried (and wealthy) parents calling DEMANDING to know what the University is doing to protect their offspring/legacies in the wake of this "violence" is NOT the time to have ANYTING stand in the way of $$$ flowing into the University.
-- Kirkland House, back when I was there, was known as the "Jock" house...80% of the student athletes lived there...almost makes you wonder if this little jigaboo who ran inside Kirkland and got himself smoked was there to do "bidness" with a Harvard Student Athlete, and was spotted by a rival dealer or something. It is hard to imagine otherwise how this boy ended up where he did....
As Bornyo said, the comments on this article are pretty entertaining...remember folks, these are "Smahhht kids" writing this shit....
Are you gonna eat that?