khan, we understand the sign perfectly. What don't you get about getting Willi to answer the questions?

Now Willi, I understand you consider yourself one of the elite on XPT. So elite, that no matter how obvious it is you just ain't got the juice to run someone off, you can all hack up this place, mucking it up further with your buffoonish attempts. But, you got unfinished business in this thread. Unfinished business you started. And, I ain't the only member you letting down. You got 2 other people in here askin'. You discounting it because throngs of people haven't repetitiously posted in here asking the same thing?

Now look Willi, I been good. I been letting you ride without any more man up and post before you look more like a fool than you already do pep talks. And, freestylah, he been nice too. Just got a list of questions he copy and paste, with a "Reminder #n" message. If this is really just such a rich man who has to part with a measly $500, what is such the big deal? Why is it so humiliating to share with XPT what you did with the money that you make them wait it out the last week?

Just post and get it over with.