

Yeah, the same mentally ill whores who complain & scapegoat their youthful life choice to become an on-camera pin-cushion for creep dick.

There's sort of a double standard to this, you see?

Not at all. How do you know that all of the former PWs were self-destructive / sexually masochistic, being taken advantage of by destructive sadistic fucks like Max Hardcore (may he be anally raped in prison)? Those are what annoy me; other mental illnesses, if any, are not on my radar.

Regardless, fomer PWs who bitch about the industry could actually be telling the truth. Even the ones who join Lubben. Christians are teh suck (crusades, inquisition, obscenity, etc), but you can't always use illogical ad hominem arguments against them.

Anyway, what was it that I said before? Oh yeah, I said that I'm not going to waste time coming up with convincing arguments. I also wrote that I'm tempted to post the contents of my sig in a thread, which I'll do and which you guys can then argue about as well. But not with me. I'm just gonna leave it here, place it in my XPT sig, and watch the thread.

Hey Blink, give em HELL!! You aren't wasting your time. It just takes time for your good intentions to be found in all the shit talk in porn. It's how they mask the truth!!

Thanks for all the good info on anal sex and the DOSH links. I will definitely share this for all to see. I wonder how much the studios will push the guys to fuck the shit out of the girls after they see their wallets can be affected?? When there's no consequences for actions as it has been in Porn Valley, they push the girls farther and farther. Go after their profit margin and you'll see a swift change in what is shot.

Everyone in porn say the customers want this type of porn so they provide it. I don't believe that for a second. The majority of porn producers and company owners have been in the Biz for way too long, they can't get off on regular sex so they produce it sicker and more perverted everyday for their own sadistic sex pleasures. Just like the ole "oh, we always have the guy pop on your face because the customers like it that way best"!! BULLSHIT!!! It's so they can bust one scene up several ways and the pop shot fits no matter how the rest of the scene plays.

I'm not religious at all but Shelley is doing a good thing. I don't see any other organizations out there specifically geared toward helping the sex worker get out and I don't see anybody else stepping up to the plate to help the girls. We have specific issues to address and who better to help than those that have experienced it. Shelley may use God as part of her message but she doesn't judge you if you're not into the religious side of her message. SHE STILL WILL HELP ANYONE WHO IS SERIOUS ABOUT GETTING OUT!!!

Thanks again for all the info Blink. Just wanted you to know your efforts aren't going unnoticed
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