
Max already got raped. By the Government. At his trial.

Read my first post in this thread.


Max pays young girls to have rough sex with him on camera. True.

If the porn industry were properly regulated (including psychological evaluations to exclude participants who are sexually sadistic* or masochistic*) and Cal/OSHA did its job, Max wouldn't ever have been allowed into the porn industry, or he would have been promptly removed from it. As I stated above:

"The problem I have with anal sex is that ignorance about the risks is rampant, as pointed out by an ABC News article. That ignorance is allowing people with destructive tendencies* to make vigorous/rough/painful anal sex the norm (at least in porn) even though it's likely to cause significant injury due to abrasive friction."


You just hoped that he would get violently anally raped in prison. Also true.

Considering how many women have been on the receiving end of similar treatment at his hands, why shouldn't he receive the same? Max belongs in prison, although it's unfortunate that the government chose to use obscenity to get him there.

* BDSM doesn't necessarily involve those.
"The view that S & M is pathological has been dismissed by the psychological community. Sexual sadism is a real problem, but it is a different phenomenon from S & M... While S & M is the regulated exchange of power among consensual participants, sexual sadism is the derivation of pleasure from either inflicting pain or completely controlling an unwilling person."