
Yeah, the same mentally ill whores who complain & scapegoat their youthful life choice to become an on-camera pin-cushion for creep dick.

There's sort of a double standard to this, you see?

Not at all. How do you know that all of the former PWs were self-destructive / sexually masochistic, being taken advantage of by destructive sadistic fucks like Max Hardcore (may he be anally raped in prison)? Those are what annoy me; other mental illnesses, if any, are not on my radar.

Regardless, fomer PWs who bitch about the industry could actually be telling the truth. Even the ones who join Lubben. Christians are teh suck (crusades, inquisition, obscenity, etc), but you can't always use illogical ad hominem arguments against them.

Anyway, what was it that I said before? Oh yeah, I said that I'm not going to waste time coming up with convincing arguments. I also wrote that I'm tempted to post the contents of my sig in a thread, which I'll do and which you guys can then argue about as well. But not with me. I'm just gonna leave it here, place it in my XPT sig, and watch the thread.