


Why do you think current porn industry is "awful and corrupt" Blink?

There are many reasons, at least for the hardcore porn industry in particular. Among them are:

- Taking advantage of women who use illicit drugs and/or are mentally ill.

- It helped to popularize risky activities and ignorance about them.

- Agents. They shouldn't be necessary.

- Inadequate regulation.
"Lacking the will or ability to regulate itself, the adult film industry needs state and federal legislation to enforce health and safety standards for adult film performers. Local officials lack the authority to impose fines and Cal/OSHA's monitoring and enforcement capability is limited."
http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1892037 (June 2007)

I got taken advantage of . They gave me drugs and didn't know I was mentally ill!!!!!!!!!
I wasn't mentally ill till the money ran out. Then I went to Shelley Lubben. In three years, when Burger King is not buying Gucci and Prada, I will go back into porn and quite possibly escorting ( cough cough)...Once a PW, always a PW.
Blink,if you are indeed a woman, shave your pits, and find a guy who will fuck you.
If they don't want to do it, they should find a job that they are suited for.
You sound like a typical bleeding heart, who offers an opinion, and even quotes laws, but won't do anything in their power to make a change.
If you are so passionate about these problems, and are sure that you have listed the most devious , then spend some time and money fighting something that will never change.
You can be known as the Gloria Allred of the porn industry.
Oh yeah. Let's stop the agents from making a living. Is this just in porn, or agents in general?
How about cameramen, who film the raunchy acts?Get rid of them.
How about the companies who sell the film to the studios?
The hotels that charge $11.99 to show these films?
The websites?
How about just chaining all women 18 and older to a post in their house, so that they can never leave?
Or, do what you usually do, bitch, and offer no soultion.

Solutions are socialist.