Well, here's the thing. I have been in one way or another working on things like message boards for a long time, even back before the internet - back in the BBS day - lots of you guys probably never heard of those, but that was ultra-geeky modem shit back in the 80s.
Anyways, you are always gonna have your trouble makers. We will obviously ban anyone for malicious activity, like spamming the threads with either garbage posts or shit like viagra ads, etc. (Sammura was banned for lots of useless posts in a short time, mostly bashing white people and the monkey and who knows what else).
Sometimes I warn people when there posts don't do anything to add to the conversation, which pretty much describes what happened to Sportswami. I banned the outsider for fun cuz I hated him.
Eh, from all the web sites I've ever run or moderated PornTalk is pretty much the free-est ever. No one will ever get banned for stating their fuck up opinion.
The closest we got to that was Outsider, and it wasn't his opinion that got him banned, it was that he kept posting it over and over and over in these absurdly formatted posts.
It offended my senses.