There's a general contradiction people make out when they think about porn and its whores and compare it to more prestigious jobs. Whores get fucked on video, that's why they have to be dim. When some video whores address this, they are laughed at, which is fine. They might just want to get heard, it doesn't matter.
The Grey seems to have accomplished more popularity than the usual video whore. This always has people judging her performances and looks, which should be expected in her line of work. Maybe the young woman who is Sasha Grey doesn't really care what her porn alter ego is described as as long as it's mentioned.
I doubt very much that most porn watchers care about the personality, intelligence and character of the whores they look at, as long as they're able to distinguish the video whores from the women behind the video whores. Probably this isn't possible at times.
It's entertaining to hear when this distinction isn't made by the whore herself, in an
audio interview Skronker of Porn Star Podcasts on ADT did with Katsuni. It's at around 10:30, right before the end. She tells about the at times rough tone on ADT and how it can affect her and her fellow whores. The amount if naivity is just fantastic. "...they are women first..." Right.