
those who say sasha grey is "smart" have a one digit IQ

OK, you and every one else who seems to think that Sasha Grey is a moron, please list the porn chicks who are smarter than her. I've heard just one example so far, Asia Carrera, and while Carrera can play the piano, what she has written on her website and her interviews contain *claims* of great intelligence, but no real evidence of such. Grey comes across sounding smarter. She is certainly doing better career wise.

Note, I am not claiming any great brilliance on Grey's part. Just want a list of the "smarter" porn chicks. Some actual evidence, in terms of interviews or verifiable achievements outside porn would help.

(BTW, not defending Grey as a porn babe -- haven't seen any of her scenes and she isn't really my type).
"Is the snake OK?"