Ok, sorry Lou, but fuck you (huh huh, he said but fuck), I want Gia to be my best man! I too have actually been, and stayed, at the Heartbreak Hotel myself. I was underwhelmed at how much attention to detail they didn't pay. I love both name and locale, but I do think that a joint like that should put the Hard Rock Vegas to shame, and it's not even close. At least, the generic, million-of-a-kind room I was in didn't, but honeymooning there would sure tie in nicely with my diabolical plan(s) to spoil the pornwhore with my dirtseed, whom I shall name Elvis Metallica Angus Araya Wylde Cash Hendrix Garcia Kiss Hutchinson Deadz...the first. DAMN! That's a good name. Well, it's either that or "Dastard" Lee Deadz.

-Keep It "Dastard" Lee

Gia, somehow I know you'll be the one holding Pretty's hair for her...at the alter!
"...The "friend" of Pretty that Dirty finger blasted in church school..." -Lou Cypher