OK, after a few years of growing outside I’ve gone indoor this year with a drip irrigation system in a two room hidden bunker that would make Alex drool. I’ve helped with other people’s hydroponics systems before but this is my first one.
It’s currently up and running on the vegetative side with 9 clones. I have the sativa’s covered with 5 White Widow babies. For the indica’s I have a pure Hindu Kush, and some 80/20 indica/sativa crosses: 2 Purple Kushes and an OG Kush. All are doing nicely and showing new growth.
I will clone from these before moving them into the bloom room but want to start a crop from seed as well. I’m thinking an AK47 to have another sativa to go with the Widow and maybe a Bubblegum Kush or a Cheese to add to the indicas.
Other than just googling “pot seeds” has anyone had any good experiences with online seed buying for marijuana gardens? There are a few choices out there but a little personal feedback would be appreciated.
I'd rather be ignorant than stupid.
Ignorance implies a lack of knowledge which is easily correctable through education.
Stupidity implies an inability to learn.
Therefore; ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever!