

I have devoted an entire thread to the faggotry at ADT. You are an integral part of that gayness. I hope Steve Holmes sneaks into your apartment at night and shoots his HIVsperm into your mouth. Fuck off and die.

Wow, dude, I'm honored. I wasn't expecting the welcome wagon or anything, but I was starting to wonder. Please link to said thread so I may see how many hours of your worthless life you've wasted on it.

Says the ADT pissmop who bothered to write a poem about XPT.

Oh, and you're definitely in this thread sporto: http://www.xxxporntalk.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=shitlist&Number=201570&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1

Happy reading. Remember to get your Ritalin from Mom when you're done.