
In that case share some more stories about bree, similar to the one where she said she only trusts like 10 people to drive her home when shes drunk,etc

Not specifically "friends to drive her home when she's drunk...", Monkey, just friends in general. Her attitude probably shines through & people just don't want to be involved with her beyond sleeping with her, because they know she's easy. I just happened to escort her home one or two evenings because she asked me to (probably with the intention of getting laid), after dancing one night @ Shangri-La West here in Ft. Wayne. She downed no less than 8 JagerBombs in a period of 6 hours. Girl can certainly hold her booze, although not during a blowjob. If you tried to face fuck her, she'd run into her bathroom & blow chunks.

The girl doesn't make an effort to trust or really get close to anyone that doesn't do something for her, as evidenced by her overreaction / lies in court about me. Not to mention follow-up threats from her lawyer (Randy Fisher) to have me incarcerated on felony charges. Outside this "circle of friends", the only others she deals with in her personal life are the random guys she fucks around with from quarter to quarter. For the most part, those people are limited to her Teletubby personal assistant (April Rapp), 5-6 female friends, and her latest douchebag / wigger / flavor of the month.

As far as other stories, meh, Rachel's not a very exciting person. She had a local rivalry with Allie Foster a year ago - details which I won't get into, because I don't know the full story. On the way to the clinic to get my blood drawn, she tore into that can of worms like a mother robin. She also whined & cried about how the girls at the strip club were teasing her for being a whore, intruding on THEIR workspace (ala JM's Violation of Hillary Scott). We also went hunting through every adult shop possible in Fort Wayne to buy up copies of her Penthouse cover, so she could sell them for inflated prices at her dance appearances (rather than just buying them direct from Penthouse?). In hindsight, she's just a stubborn lil' Ukranian girl who thinks that everyone should bow down to her "I'm a princess" personality.

On the other hand, Allie is good people in my book, and she doesn't thrive on fucking jungle music either. Couldn't get Rach to go to a rock concert (or anywhere else really) to save her slutty hide, but I think that was more because her sole interest in me was a booty call. Hindsight is 20/20, oh well.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron