There's a lulzy recap at Darrah's blog, but I don't want to send her traffic by linking it.

The article is called "YES! Porn is glamourous and empowering for women."

" One girl Jim Powers insisted on Kylie working with was Keeani Lei. Kylie later figured out why he wanted her there after seeing them both leaving the men’s bathroom together. "

"While in the bathroom, she’s interrupted and asked when they can continue shooting. Why don’t those sadists at JM Productions set their balls on fire and be asked to get back to work and see how they like it!! Kylie is in pain, burning, and swollen and wants to cancel the entire shoot. But she continues because she doubts that JM Productions will pay the cast & crew their kill fee. She’s in pain, raw, and angry but continues with the scene so the cast won’t lose out on being paid."

"Once again, Keeani manages to fuck up the scene even more. Kylie is already raw and swollen but suddenly starts to feel her vagina burning even more so than before. Keeani had spit a mouth full of ALCOHOL at Kylie!

Once again Kylie has to run to the bathroom in pain and..."

" They certainly couldn’t finish the shoot without Kylie since it was HER movie. "

" Five hours of excruciating pain is inflicted on Kylie and there wasn’t an ounce of professionalism on that set from Jim Powers or JM Productions. "

"Tell me again how the women have all the say & power in this industry. But this doesn’t surprise me considering this is from Jeff Steward’s company, JM Productions."

She somehow managed not to make up bullshit about Jeff's private life this time.
"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja