

Coke, opinions?

Wow, I'm feelin' pressure. I feel like a black man on the OJ Simpson jury.

If I were a Long Island housefrau, I'd say G has had rhinoplasty. Cosmetic surgery is nothing to be ashamed of. Even Loucypher recently had his ass and bitchtits liposuctioned.

There is a logical explanation for Gia's schnoz. Gia is part Pakistani. A lot of people who frequent 7-11 make the mistake of assuming that Pakis are the same as Indians, except they are Muslim instead of Hindu. (Pakistan was split off from India so the two peoples' bloodlust would curbed. Didn't work.) But in actuality, many of the Muslims in the sub-continent are descended from Arab Muslim conquerors.

Where am I going with this? Part of the tragedy of the Mideast hatred between Israeli Jews and Arab Muslims is that the two peoples are blood brothers. Both are semetic peoples. At one time they shared the same language and culture. Certain semetic tribes evolved into the Jews while the rest went in a different direction. Most remained pagan until Mohammed started Islam in the 6th century.

While Gia is not Jewish, I believe she inherited a semetic schnoz from her Paki/Arab conqueror/semetic ancestors.

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