

No problem, I just didn't realize you used this forum as an adjunct to your site.

Duke, I'm surprised that you even go as far as to say that you won't post here if Claude doesn't like it.
Maybe Claude should start a site of his/her own, and can wallow in his own shitty existence with no one paying attention.
You have a "life" and can be a keyboard bully because of XPT, Claude.

No, it's not about being bullied.. I have been in the forum game since 1997. Thats how I know how they work. Like work work.. The point is, and it is valid, is why dont I have my own forum. I can see the owners getting mad here because i am very vocal, keeo people in the loop etc. I respect the owners of this board greatly. If they thought I were stepping on toes I would, out of respect, move on along. Tools like the above dont bother me. I mean how can you do porn and be bothered when there is always somsone saying shit about you. it comes with the territory. My skin is as thick as an elephants.
But none the less, the point is valid and I dont want to step on anyones toes. It's not how i conduct myself or my business. The reason I am vocal here is because it seems the people are arent save a hoes. I like those kind of people better than the ADT tools. For the record I have nothing against porn whores... I just dont get why so many people think porn whores special. They arent- Duke 09
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