because according to her, all the other girls are whores... but not her though!
I am not leaving because I didn't get the AVN. If that were the case, do you think I would've left WHEN I didn't get it? I want to retire from performing because I've been around for 2 1/2 years and I'm tired! I actually have plans beyond fucking and I'm working really hard on these projects. Plus, (my number one reason) most of the girls (I'd say 90%) are escorts. They're worse than the guys. They're just dirty. Girls are doing guys outside the biz that aren't tested, without condoms, because they were offered a couple hundred bucks, and that spread diseases! I don't want to put myself in that position anymore. This industry is a bunch of fucking hookers trying to legitimize themselves by doing it on camera. (Now THAT would qualify as 'pissing off co-stars.)
So, what about those like me? I don't escort. I don't blow directors/producers. I actually want to take advantage of the business aspect of the industry and make some real money! Is it 'bitchy' of me to push myself to succeed and not let any of the assholes stand in my way? Maybe. But a good business woman is always considered a bitch. If that's the reputation I get for standing up for myself and not being a whore, so be it.
And for those who want to go the whole "You fuck on camera for money, you ARE a whore' route... Really?! Ever hear of a JOB? I show up, turn into a nympho for the camera, and go home. If you ever met me outside of a set, I'm in sweats with no makeup on. I don't flaunt what I do. I have a good time, but it's not about sex for me. I don't drop my panties for anyone. I've been dating a guy for three weeks and still haven't slept with him! What I do is a job, and it's just that. I treat it as a job and not a party, like most. I make my money and get out. I'm not at lame porn parties, getting drunk, doing blow, hooking up in the bathroom and getting caught up in the drama like the rest. Bitchy?
And the whole Rachel thing. I'll admit, I take it kinda far, but I really don't like her. I'm not trying to hurt her career or mine or anything. I actually used to like her. She started dating my ex, we did a scene together, and she was nice. I was actually happy he was in good hands. But, when I hear that they split and she's now escorting... Really?! You move in on my life and my man and take everything from me, and it turns out that you're just another hooker?! THAT pisses me off. Yes, he's at fault, too. I know. I don't want him back. But I just don't like hookers. (Once again, the number one reason I'm through with performing.)
Call me a fucking cunt, I really don't care. Just know exactly what you're referring to.
LIfe is a black sucking eddy of dispair, punctuated by brief moments of false hope in an ever darkening universe