you are disgusting...i do not use drugs...none i do not drink nothing. i am still in porn ..the biz is slow. i am not revealing my name because i do not want to make a mistake .if the answers to my question were all no then i would ask for help. i have no criminal record at all no driving tickets no husband no children and i did try to get help but with no income i could not get a tax expert to help. It turns out that i had a real estate license which i only did a few leases but i was in a wealthy area and the tax man thought they should tax me on what the area realtors made, I was out of work for seven years trying to fix it . i could have said yes to porn but i fought the idea because i was worried about what people would think. that did not help nobody helped me when i was starving.My life changed and it was just a job a pyhysical job, i did it before i would think of living on welfare, To me i would rather work for my money thhen live on tax payers and thegovern. I am no whore . i think they should throw peopke like you off this board.. you have no biz being here except to trash the women who make porn. You are probably a cop. Most definately have a hate for sex workers. I just do not understand what makes someonewho enjoys sex a person who should get called such awful names and be chargedas a criminal. Fingeer printed and handcuffed. I do not even swear and i taught children . What the helll are you here for ??? If you hate porn stars !>?? You are not a goocd human being. How were you created ..did your mother fuck someone to create you ? What the hell is wrong withhealthy sex.. This world is upside down and the laws on sex should change. If someone has a reason to pay for sex they should be able to buy it. Whore ...someone should cut off your penis as you do not deserve it you thgink sex is bad are crazy .And it is a fun job!!!!