speaking for myself ...the truth is the us taxman made a big mistake with my traxes a long time ago ..said i owed 100,000.00 of dollars ...it changed all the time. I barely was making enough to survive .It took me 8 years to get them to admit there mistake. In thartt time i was fired from 5 jobs all in a row. I thought it was me...it broke me and mt self worth. I found out i was being fired because the irs were contacting my employers and they just did notthe trouble or the heat from irs. So finally after they admit thier mistake they say they will not release me until i give them some paper..It has been many years and i do not even know what the paper is thgey want to release me,..So i was broke and it ruined my life..So the only job i could think of where thery could not trace me so quickly was porn ...and then escorting. Before they ruined me i was a teacher,It has been along rough road but they will not budge and i never had themoney to fight them.I never cheated on my taxes ..did not know enough to do that. They owed me on the three years hat are in question..But i have never ebven dreamed about making enough to owe them $100,00.00 So what do you do? I tried so hard for years to prove trhem wrong ..it was heart breaking. And i was so sick of being poor.But the moral of the story is ...life can hit anybody with a shot that thney do not desreve and if you do not have family or friends to help you ...thento survive youy do what you have to. I never made much money at it as i started at a late age but i do have alot of fans and i enjoyed it ..with the excepotion of only a couple of male actors ..Do not call all porn stars or sex workers trash ...life can be trash and the police are the lowest people i have ever encountered ever.. What a bunch of holliter than thou asses...lowlifes for sure . They should have a fight out with the gangs and let them kill each other..the world would be better off with more sex than the law enforcers of this world !