Male Bracket (Michael Jackson won't be in this tourney, he is in the pros and its too easy to place him as the one seed, hes at a pro level and we are running a college tourney)

1. Jackie Earle Haley

"Be a good boy" Surprise 1 seed.

2. Mickey Rourke

Can he complete the come back year with a title?

3. Tyce Bune

Not just ugly in appearance but gives off one of the all time great scumbag vibes in history. He just looks like bad news.

4. Benjy Bronk


5. Morgan Freeman

Only fella in shawshank who's ass was safe.

6. Ron Jeremy

Always in the top 10 in ugly polls, this year he comes in at 6

7. Calvin Booth

He has game, serious game.

8. Luis Guzman

Not much went his way, but hey his look gets him acting gigs

1. Jackie Earle Haley vs 8.Luis Guzman

Close call, could be an upset?

2. Mickey Rourke vs 7. Calvin Booth

Now this has upset written all over it, vegas has closed the books on this matchup

3. Tyce Bune vs 6.Ron Jeremy

Porn star match up. Ron is a vet in these games but could this be the year of the Tyce?

4. Benjy Bronk vs 5. Morgan Freeman

Morgan's star might be enough to get him through but don't go to sleep on Benjy.
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis