Jesus this thread is awesome! I think everyone on xpt has posted in here, well now they have, lol.

Anyways Petey, dude you were just dying to tell everyone that you banged Bree weren't you? Congrats, you just impressed absolutely no one on this board, try adt, I'm sure they will make you fanboi of the year over there. You should of researched this board before starting this thread, but hey there's a silver lining to everything. Everyone here got to hand you your ass didn't they? Oh and BTW she may have been laughing with you about how pathetic Eric is, but rest assure she was doing the same thing to you with some other loser.

Eric, where to begin. I know stop with the whining. You need closure, so do lots of other people. Its called R-E-A-L-I-T-Y. Deal with it, move the fuck on. There's a reason you didn't get laid until you were 28, and it wasn't because it was your choice. Women hate men who are whiny because it is indicative of how the relationship will be, and everyone (man or woman) will get annoyed, quickly.

All you needed to take from the situation was that YOU GOT PLAYED. It happens to all of us. The difference is most, not all, will take from the experience and use it as reference with future partners. So the next time someone tries this bullshit you are ready. I'm just trying to, like I think many here are trying to do, is give you the advice that one of your friends should have given you. And if they did, well then everyone who is here to trash is right to do it. Going online and letting all this out in the open does not help you in the healing process. It only does three things, 1) Give you ulcers, 2) Grey hair, 3) A bunch of people online telling you your a dumbass, and then being right.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!