
The whore will be @ ShangEast titty bar this evening, and needless to say I'm not going because I don't want her creating a scene. Same deal with her appearance in July. It's not that I'm gutless, but she's thrown around enough false accusations that I don't need the hassle.

So this is how you reason? You don't need the "hassle" because of the accusations, or the possibility of her making a scene? I mean, WTF, dude. How's about because you don't like her? Why the fuck would you bother going to watch her perform if you don't like her?

I don't get you dude, and I don't really care, but STFU about it already. You're truly a glutton for punishment, in every way imaginable. It's like you're no good for yourself. Have you considered help? Seriously, I ask this with a minute amount of concern. If you were happier, busy, whatever, about other things in your life, this wouldn't be nearly the issue you've made it.

You're probably a decent dude, otherwise, but you must get over this shit. Most of these issues you're having are unfortunately normal; come with the territory of dating, whatever. It's how you are dealing with it. I promise. You've got to let this shit roll off your back.

Jeff Jordan: "Common man from LA"