So you have the knight in shining armor syndrome ? I shed my suit long ago. In all seriousness, rescued chicks grow resentful and hateful in every single case if they weren't playing you all along. I feel for you Eric. I don't know how old you are but you need to change your modus operandi and look for someone with their own money , job , self esteem, straight and sober and some common sense. I know it's hard to find. I actually thought I had one a few years ago but when I got sick and unable to tend to her every need she flew the coop. There's no sense being bitter or vengeful. These girls are what they are and you don't stand a chance in hell of changing them or actually ever getting even for that matter. I say this in all sincerity. No taunting or putting you down. Just consider.
I may not know arse but I know what I like !