
Clearly, you and Petey need to date. Do you guys have THAT little going on in your lives that you need to tattle tale on a message board about a chick who didn't live up to your expectations? We now have two guys in the Bree Olson Hurt My Feelings Club. Threads like this just show that you can't move on. I know there are only 6 girls in your zip code who haven't had kids yet and don't weigh themselves on a richter scale, but you need to focus on other things. I've been hurt before, too, but you don't see me snitching on the person all over the internet.

Ladies and gentlemen, you have just witnessed greatness.

Threads over now. Everybody move on.

Honestly, I don't know...I'm torn. We haven't talked since AVN (other than the hearing in February)- Eric on Bree Olson