
Just thought some people might be interested in my fling with a porn whore.

Not really dude, most people could care less about bragging rights to a whore.

My intention was shit-slinging, and to expose her for the rancid cunt that she is. It's very conflicting, I admit, because while I don't want to see her harmed, I want her to "repent for her sins" towards me (for lack of a better phrase). Maybe it's as productive as pushing a boulder uphill, I don't care. XPT is nothing more than a place to rant about the situation, regardless how degenerate it makes me look.

Her lawyer calls that harassment (despite the lack of contact with her), the douchebag above calls it facilitation. I call it freedom of speech, and the only person(s) who can censure me are Tony & the mods. If I'm so guilty, come & take me away.

Pete, I didn't say anything about you on this forum other than what you've already 'fessed up to (so far as I can recall?), and I don't even know you outside of being some illiterate blue-collar Yankees fan that she's screwed for a few months on her down time.


You say you wanted answers and would do anything to get them. Short of violence. Did you get your answers? So you'll be doing what now? Slashing her tires? Break her windows? Hide in the bushes outside her place? Will that get you your answers? If not, what then, bubby? Are you going to come out of the bushes? Maybe wrap your hands around her throat? That'll get her attention. She'll be your friend then, won't she?

Oh yeah, there's no doubt I've been an ass. I made my bed, and I'll lay in it, too. I have no quips about what I've said online. And no, I don't stoop to violence unless someone swings first. You have your suspicions, I have my morals, however low they may be.

Obviously, you're well versed in stalking tactics, so I'll just assume you've been there before.

This isn't about "being her friend", this is pure redemption about the "why"? Why would anyone treat someone else that way? I didn't deserve to be treated the way I was (nor did Pete, or anyone else involved with her in such precarious situations), and I'll be damned if I'm just going to forget it - now or ever. If you can't deal with that mindset, tough shit Dr. Freud.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron