
Priceless. "I wanted answers". Classic sociopath. You are the fucking man, alright. She angered you, so anything you do in reaction is perfectly fine. You are a prize. Why would anyone not want to be with you, as a friend or anything? Sorry, brother. I keep going back to fawning stalking fanboi.

Be sure to cut vertically, not horizontally.

I'll do that, Barnicle Bill.

For accusing people of being a fanboi, you sure white-knight for the whores quite a bit, or you're an alt. 4 for 4 now? Excellent!

Sociopath? Oh no, I'm scarred for life, just like the 103rd time I've been called a stalker by someone on XPT who a) doesn't know me, and/or b) doesn't agree with what I've done. Seriously, it holds alot of weight these days. The same label can be used for a whore who sleeps with men on camera, then jumps in the sack with 4-6 other men in the town she calls home, all while having a stable boyfriend.

Apparently, you didn't read the part about her virulent temper & the fact she threw car keys at Pete's head? I have a temper, there's no hiding that, but to isolate your frustrations against me alone shows who the real fanboi is, BB.

Pointing out your douchebaggery doesn't make anyone a white knight. If anything you are. You were friends, she was more than a whore. But then she made you mad. You say you wanted answers and would do anything to get them. Short of violence. Did you get your answers? So you'll be doing what now? Slashing her tires? Break her windows? Hide in the bushes outside her place? Will that get you your answers? If not, what then, bubby? Are you going to come out of the bushes? Maybe wrap your hands around her throat? That'll get her attention. She'll be your friend then, won't she?

Oh, golly. She threw keys at pete, who I noticed has stopped posting in this thread. Just sayin'. She has a temper. Yeah, few porn chicks are well adjusted. I think it's safe to say most are diagnosable. Once again, that's an excuse for you being a tool. Dude, you've been an ass. Just own it. Sure, she may be a twat. She probably is. But what she isn't is on here on this forum defending her hideous behaviour. You are. You basically asked for it, bitch. just bend over and take it.

As for being bb, I'm just a long time lurker who decided to get his feet wet in your fawning stalker fanboi ass. You're welcome.

Oops. Spoke too soon about Pete. My bad.

If this is the 103rd time you've been called a stalker, doesn't that say something? Oh, that's right. No one understands the connection you share with Rea Rea. You're not just a trick, just like she's not just a whore.

Edited by Barry the Pirate (03/31/09 08:23 PM)
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE