
Did you go out for the convention? Assuming you hung out with her, did you guys actually share a room?

I was hanging out with Allie Foster part of the time, she's also from the area. She taught me how to lose money on the Roulette while in Vegas.

When did you & her start hooking up, if you don't mind me asking? I'm guessing you were my "replacement". She likes the blue collar type, because her fat fuck pimp (Chris Carter, owner of Foxxx Modeling, which is how she entered him in her I-Phone) can't last more than 5 minutes (her words!) and probably has a 3" pecker that can't be found without jacking his lard belly up a half foot. What he lacks in the bedroom, he makes up for in financial security. You were right when you said she'll never be traditional housewife material, because she'll always be looking for someone new to fuck while hubby pays the bills. Or perhaps, she'll just continue to be a hooker on Affluent Concierge.

Word to Chris, money doesn't make you any less ugly. You & Rachel are perfect together.

She / April (her overweight personal assistant) said I was told one day that "I shouldn't call anymore". For the record, she's the one who called me for sex. I could just as easily jerk off into a sock or my toilet if I had the urge to nut that badly. The reality in hindsight was she just moved on to a new dick (you, Pete), and didn't bother to say anything at all. I can handle that, I just don't like the stupid games involved. We were friends from the industry since late 2006, before I moved to the area for my job, that's what bothered me way more than the sex ever will.

And yes, Rachel can be a great person when she wants to be. Especially when you watch her baby the cat, Dr. Sniffles. But she has self-admitted temper issues, probably part of the reason she finished off her high school years in a juvenile detention facility (Deer Lake? something like that downtown).

However, her life is completely material. How many 22-year old girls do you know that have not one, but TWO LCD televisions, a $3000 entertainment hutch to house one of them in, a California King bed, all-leather furniture, and a $175,000 house? If that doesn't reek of shady profession in her neighborhood, I wonder what does? You can't help but be envious, but I'll be damned if I'm jealous of anything in her fake life.

Thanks for posting, I'm glad to see I'm not alone in this. The excuse "she's a whore" only goes so far to me, because most women are whores. Off-screen, I try not to associate the two, and believe that anyone can be a good person given the chance.

It's a small world in a way. I was fuck over by a whore who moved to Ft Wayne also.

The difference being this girl wasn't a PW but rather a husband whore. See she was using her pussy to try to get married, and I would have, given some time, but she grew tried of waiting (all of 2 months)and moved on, just like that, no explanation, just see ya. Yeah I was bitter for a while, not enough to post her name and address on the 'net, but it left a bad taste in my mouth to say the least. But in the end I moved on, found a damn good woman to marry, had a couple of great kids, ect.

Give it a try, the moving on that is, you might like it.
You can’t be a pimp and a prostitute too. -some song I heard...

I'm like: 'Is it even legal to say that?' Then I realized we were grown men."