cameron sooooooo rules

love, pretty



I don't try to speak for all Black male fans. Do I like seeing some of my faves with Black men? Sure! However, I have no need to see every damn woman in porn do IR. Hell IR isn't even a genre for me - its all just porn to me.

Yeah in this day and age I still get amazed when I'm asked if I do interracial. Or when a black guy asks in that cocky voice "you've never been with a BLACK man have you??"

Why wouldnt I?? (and yes I've done IR) A guy is a guy is a dick is a cock is a paycheck!!LOL If I like someone...I like the PERSON,not the skin. Same if I hate someone. In short NO list is all white guys(and one clepto f'ing bitch who I'll beat to a pulp if I ever see again..thankfully she seems to have been run out of the biz). I've never had a problem with black male talent being a-holes!

And Monica...stop fishing for compliments!! You know you are sexy as hell!! (just kidding..I know you arent fishing!)

"Should send her our way, XPT could REALLY get her warmed up for any kind of abuse she might get later. "- nugent