
You see Snowman, you're the poster who is the closest to her, and with your background in divorce law I suspect you are capable of mind numbing acts of perversion, deceit, and cruelty. (can you tell my own divorce sucked?

I'm sorry to hear that your dissolution did not go well for you Paperchase. If it's any consolation, few people find family law litigation a pleasant experience. There is a relatively new approach to divorce now called "collaborative divorce" which tries to remove the proceedings from the traditional adversarial setting in the courtroom. In a collaborative divorce, the parties work together with their attorneys and experts in a cooperative fashion to reach a settlement without bring any motions or setting the case for trial. If the parties are mature, patient and not too emotional about their situation, this route has the potential to make the divorce process much less traumatic.

As for being capable of "mind numbing acts of perversion, deceit and cruelty", I think you must have me confused with another fake attorney on this forum! Eek.
-- Snowman http://www.raincoatreviews.com