I like the direction this thread has taken recently. Marley obviously likes interacting with her fans and is willing to go as far as comparing blowjob techniques with electrostatic. However, for some reason, only smut has taken advantage of this unique opportunity to explore this whore's dirty mind so far.

Well, this is going to change now. I have prepared some questions for Marley so we can learn something more about various aspects of her slutty being. Who knows? Maybe something interesting will come out of it.

1. Let's start with some general questions:
1a. What's the first thing you notice about men/women when you meet them?
1b. What's your favorite part of a man's/woman's body?
1c Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman without any kind of sexual tension involved?(assuming they are not gay of course)
1.d What's your favorite music band/movie(porn and nonporn)/TV Show/amusement park ride/junk food?

2. Now let's talk about Marley the pw:
2a. Name 3 things that should be gone from porn.
2b. Would you accept a contract whore position if offered or or would you rather stay independent?
3c. Do the *tube sites where people can go and watch porn for free bother you at all? Do you think they "kill porn" and result in less work for porn people. Have you personally noticed the slowdown of the business recently?

3. Let's continue with some inappropriate (very) personal questions.
3a. You and AC Cream are the last two remaining people on Earth. You must repopulate the planet. You are really horny. He's as fat, repulsive and disgusting as ever. Would you do it with him?
3b. Do you think your daddy is proud of his little girl? What about baby Jesus; Do you think he loves you? In other words: We all know that you love being a pw but don't you ever feel guilty about it?

4. Finally, how Marley sees us, the XPT community?
4a. Who are: 3 XPT members you like the most/3 XPT members you can't stand/3 XPT members you would like to meed in person?
4b. Have you ever been bother by the racist/sexist/hateful posts on this board? Would you prefer if the mods were a bit stricter?
4c. Would you take one for the team and suck Monkey's cock(for MF: This is not a racist remark I'm talking about the poster(,) Smelly Monkey) if he would agree to finally reveal his identity in exchange?
"If you keep making fun of me, I might just get pissed and not post on here anymore. Start taking me seriously. I'm a student now" Fatja