
Thanks for the info and advice. I appreciate your kindness. You are DEFINITELY NOT a Loser. But that makes you an oddity here on XPT. And I'm not burning bridges, I'm helping to change the industry.


You're helping to change the industry exactly how? By running your know-it-all middle-aged flap about the industry, spouting off about the experience you have just because you've managed to get booked a dozen times? Shelley Lubben & Jimmy Drama (that fanboi from Maryland) stand a better chance of helping the industry than y'all.

Hmm, soo...let's prove the adult industry is in a rut, by forsaking it all together & making our living at a whorehouse instead.

Absolutely awesome! Sounds like a plan to me.

Porn is all about using & abusing people, the majority of it doesn't necessarily know any better. Whether you're a pimp, producer or john - that's just the way it is. Don't like it? Find another, more responsible line of work. You're selling your ass, it's not rocket science or something you need a college degree to hone. It's temporary / short-term, and while you make great money in that time, you need to learn how to manage it afterward.
Because you already yelled 'dropping prices!!!' after Red Light canned you. - Gia Jordan to Brandon Iron