
Hint: We want to hear and see what whores do, not what they don't do, or a bunch of sour grapes. Put up some pics and tell us in as much detail as possible what ya'll do down there, and maybe some of us will go fuck you or join your website.

Hint: Your website looks bad using Safari.

-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy

I heard it doesn't work well on Foxfire either. We have a webmaster now so will be changing the site as we redo it all for membership. I don't claim to be a computer guru but it was the best I could do until we found someone we could trust. Most of you know we had everything stolen last Sept. from the last guys we hired.

I've tried to post pics here but they won't post for some reason. And we're not allowed to discuss what we do or what we charge on the phone or internet. Nevada state laws governing brothels do not allow for that. You have to come in to get the details.

As I said, our joint parties are worked in much the same way as our joint shoots. We can always bring a third girl in play with one of us while the other takes care of the client. What guy wouldn't like 3 girls in the bed with him. There are many things we can do together to a client without compromising our guidelines!

And I'm not sour grapes but you reap what you sow. You dish out shit here everyday but you don't seem to handle it well when you get it back in return. Why is that???
Desi Foxx Pornstar and Bunny Babe